You Will Do It Alone

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Eva's P.O.V.

"Eva... Think about what you are doing." 

Ahsoka demands in a conflicted manner while following behind me. R2-D2 is setting up into my starfighter as we speak. I have a travel bag in my hand as I head towards my starfighter with the very intention of leaving the island. 

"You just can't leave." Insisting in utter frustration, Ahsoka comes to walk beside me instead of behind. "You must know this is a trap... And you're falling right into it."

"I know, Ahsoka..." 

I mumble as we reach my starfighter where Rey and Luke are already waiting for me. Grogu is off in the distance, quietly watching all of us with an emotionless expression. He's seems to be disturbed about everything that has transpired in the last half hour. 

" I know... But..." I sigh while meeting Ahsoka's gaze. "I can't just leave him in the hands of my brother." 

Earlier, when Luke and I were performing a dueling exercise, I felt an unusual disturbance in the force. Then suddenly, I saw flashes in my mind of Poe in pain because of my brother. It was clear to me that Ben captured Poe and was tormenting him to get to me.

By the looks of their surroundings and the sensation in the force, I know they are on the Baocarro planet. The only reason I know about the planet is because I hid there years ago in my smuggling days. However, I don't have the slightest clue on why either of them would be on that planet since it's filled with outlaws and thugs. 

"If you leave now without finishing your training..." Ahsoka announces while I toss my bag in the back of the starfighter. Turn to face her again, I see her looking at me with a pleading face as she warns me. "You will destroy all you have worked so hard to accomplish here."

"Evangeline." Luke speaks up while coming to Ahsoka's side. "You must complete your training."

"Luke, I've got to help him. I have to at least try." 

I argue while rubbing my forehead from listening to their harsh words. Though I understand where they are coming from, I can't just let go of Poe like a passing thought. He's in agony at this very moment and all because of me. 

"Kylo Ren is using Poe as a weapon against you." Luke predicts while holding my gaze seriously. "You must not go. This is exactly what he hopes you do."

"I won't leave him there alone to die." I announce without hiding my misery of this situation. Shaking my head and stepping towards my starfighter, I insist while clenching my jaw. "... I won't. I can't."

"You don't know that." Luke argues lightly from hearing my confidence of Poe's future. "Even I cannot see his fate."

Meeting my uncle's gaze, I can see his own suffering from me leaving without finishing my training. Rey's a few feet behind Luke, unsure what to do; she wants to help me but also doesn't want to disrespect our masters' wishes. Grogu stays emotionless in the distance, as if this isn't his fight, but I sense him wanting to comment on this situation.

"Poe is a resistance pilot. He knew what he was getting himself into when he joined." Luke frowns, like I'm not making any sense to him. Waving his hands at me, he points out sternly with an intense expression. "He will understand if you don't come for him. Your purpose here is more important than-"

"I don't care! Damn it!" I snap at him, tired of this argument, and I move to the ladder on my cruiser. "I'm going and there is nothing you can do to stop me!"

"Eva, come to your senses!" Following behind me quickly, Luke barks like he still doesn't understand why I'm jeopardizing everything for the pilot. "You're risking everything! Everything for what? For some pilot? You're not ready to face Kylo Ren! Why is this pilot so important that you're willing to risk everything?"

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