It's Been A Long Time

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Eva's P.O.V.

"You know what I come for."

I hear Kylo Ren's voice and when I glance behind me past the sand hill; I find him standing in front of the old man. They grouped all the locals in the single circle in the middle of the town. Stormtroopers guard the group of people and two stand on either side of the old me.

"I know where you come from." The man speaks up to my brother. "Before you called yourself Kylo Ren."

"The map to Skywalker. We know you gave it to someone." I watch Kylo Ren walk around the man slowly while ordering him. "Where is she? You will give her and the map to the First Order."

"The First Order rose from the dark side." The old hermit says to my brother proudly. "You did not."

My heart drops at their words before glancing at Poe. He's watching the scene beside me with his blaster at the ready. When I look back at the old man, I realize he's stalling for us to get away.

"I'll show you the dark side." I watch my brother come to stand in front of the man while pointing at him threateningly. The older man then tilts his head while staring at Kylo Ren's masked face and saying. "You may try... But you cannot deny the truth that is your family."

"You're so right."

Kylo Ren agrees before lifting his saber and striking him down. My head snaps away from the scene before I can watch the man fall to the ground, lifeless. Taking in a breath, I look in the direction BB-8 ran off toward with the map.

I turn to Poe and open my mouth to tell him we need to go. However, I see him creeping towards the village, eyeing Kylo Ren with his blaster aimed at him. Standing up, I race toward him and snap in a hushed tone.

"Dameron, don't do it-"

He pulls the trigger, and a blast comes out toward Kylo Ren. The blast only gets a yard away before it's stopped in midair. Poe is standing in place, vibrating, and I can feel the force holding him.

His eyes glance at me in panic and before I can take another step toward him, the dark side of the force wraps around my neck. Coughing on air, I move my eyes to Kylo Ren and see his arm stretched out towards me. A heartbeat later, the grasp Kylo Ren has around my throat pulls me toward him.

I'm stumbling toward him as two stormtroopers come to grab Poe. When I'm close enough, Kylo Ren takes a step toward me and puts his hand around my throat. He tilts his helmet covered head and speaks up, clenching my throat with his hand around it.

"It's been a long time."


I groan out, only for him to force me onto my knees in front of him. He lets go of me when I'm on the ground and I cough for air as stormtroopers force Poe onto his knees beside me. Staring at the sand underneath me, I try to hold back tears as Kylo Ren kneels in front of us.

He's staring at me through his helmet; I can feel his eyes burning into me. I can hear Poe breathing loudly next to me, and I try to ignore the dark side of the force surrounding us. It's silent between the three of us until Poe freaking Dameron blurts out.

"So, who talks first? You talk first? We talk first?"

"Poe. For once in your life..." I snap in frustration while turning to look at him. "Would you shut up-"

"Search them." 

Kylo Ren announces in his low robotic voice before standing up again. Stormtroopers grab us by the arms and lift us to our feet. Suddenly, hands are all over me, searching through my pockets. Grunting when one of them gets too touchy around my chest, I shove him back.

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