What Remains

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Evangeline's P.O.V.

... And suddenly, a dark force surrounds the base of the arena.

Turning to where the dark side of the force is invading the battle grounds, I find Kylo Ren stepping into the arena. The Gauvain Death Gang follows behind him with their weapons already aimed at resistance soldiers. My brother is yards away from me, but even with the distance and fighting between us, I feel his gaze already on me through his black mask.

As I face him through the blasts and men running around the arena, I watch as he activates his red lightsaber and walks straight towards me. The gang breaks apart from Kylo Ren to attack our soldiers while my brother stays on his path to where I am. Taking in a deep breath, I know I'm ready this time to fight him.

The last time we crossed paths, I wasn't prepared to use my lightsaber, let alone fight against my brother. However, I hold my light saber now in confidence, ready to face him once again. I've spent months training for this and I won't back down as I did last time.

"Finish this. We'll cover you." 

I suddenly hear Luke's voice from beside me, making me turn my head. That when I see both Luke and Leia next to me, with their sabers shielding me from blaster shots. They stand side by side as brother and sister, which is something I haven't seen with my own eyes in so long.

Nodding my head, understanding my mother and uncle will protect me from stormtroopers, I step forward. They block each and every blast in our area as I make my way to my brother. Taking in a deep breath and coming only a yard apart from Ben, I spin my saber slowly before getting into my stance.

Ahsoka and Rey are fighting side by side. Grogu and a Mandalorian have their backs together, fighting as stormtroopers surround them. Luke and Leia block blasts coming towards me; all the while Poe, Han and Chewie stick together to kill the incoming troopers.

Chaos surrounds my brother and me; the chaos that started because of us. However, I don't fear the chaos this time or the man my brother has become. Pointing the tip of his saber at me, I sense him smirking behind his mask.

"So... You have accepted that you can no long run from me, sister."

"Like I said before, brother..." I tilt my head and send him an unamused expression. "I don't have a choice." Changing my stance to throw him off, I declare in an emotionless tone. "I will do what I must."

"You will try."

Suddenly, everything becomes a blur of green, blue and red gleaming lights. Ben attacks me with his red saber and I defend with my green blade. All the while, blue blasts fly around us in the arena.

Ben will swing left, and I spin to block the blow. I'll lift my blade up as my brother's saber comes crashing down on top. He's thrust his saber at me and I'll twirl my saber to dodge the strike aimed at my chest.

Though I can't see my brother's expression, I sense what he has just come to realize. I've grown since the last time we've met and my skills with a lightsaber have doubled. Understanding this fight won't be the same as before, Kylo Ren growls with persistence and bashes his saber against mine violently.

I don't back down, I only push harsher against our sabers to gain the upper hand. With our swift moves and calculated steps, the two of us forget the surrounding battle. All we see is each other and the colors of our light sabers.

Poe's P.O.V.

"You know..." 

Han speaks up tiredly as a certain group of men comes toward us. The Guavian Death Gang saunters directly to us in the midst of the battle. I stand on Han's left and Chewbacca is on his right; we all have our blasters pointed at the men who stand out in a crowd of First Order Stormtroopers.

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