Once inside the room, I gently laid dorogaya lyubov' moya down on our queen size bed and took her shoes off. When everyone had left, I locked the door behind them and stripped lyubov' moya down to her underwear. Taking off my tee shirt I very carefully put it around her neck and pulled it down to cover her breasts before I removed her bra. Only because I didn't yet know how she would feel about sleeping next to me naked, or even almost naked. (my darling love, my love)

It is true that we have slept next to each other for the last few nights. And on each of those nights I would sleep in my boxer briefs and lyubov' moya would sleep in the tee shirt that I had worn that day and a pair of panties. Usually boy shorts. Which is exactly why I had put the tee shirt, that I had just taken off of myself, onto her and removed her bra before gently laying her back down in our bed.

Once I was in just my short-legged boxer briefs, I lay down next to her and fell asleep again myself. Just before the darkness claimed my conscience mind, I felt lyubov' moya snuggle up against me and lay her head and hand on my chest. Her ear on my pectoral muscle and her hand lay over my heart. (my love)

"I love you Comrade." She murmured in her sleep.

"I love you too lyubov' moya, more than life itself. More than you will ever know detka." I answered in a sleepy whisper. (baby)

When we woke up the next human morning, angel'skaya printsessa moya and I, along with her friends and guardians. All had breakfast in a private and secluded little breakfast nook, far away from everyone else at the ski lodge, and then we went skiing for the next few hours before lunch. (my angelic princess)

After lunch, Roza moya wanted to go ice skating, and as it turns out she is QUITE good at it. Of course, I should have known that she would be because she'd told me, at lunch, that she and Lissa had gone skating quite a lot while they were in Moscow. Almost every single day they'd said. (my)

"Hey Rose?!!" Lissa called out from where she was standing with the others, on the bank of the little pond that milaya moya desert princess and I were skating on. (my dearest)

"Yeah?" Lyubov' moya answered back as she turned, with a beautiful smile upon her lips, to look at her little sestra. (my love, sister)

"Why don't you and Dimitri do a couples routine?" Lissa asked with a smile on her slightly windburned face.

Roza moya quickly turned and looked up into my eyes questioningly and I shrugged. "If you want to give it a try mladenets then that's fine with me. Just whatever makes you the happiest lyubov' moya." (my, babe, my love)

"I've never gotten to do that before!!" She squealed excitedly as she clapped her hands with a matching smile. Which was all that I needed to see and hear to know that I would happily do this for and with her. So, we decided that we would give it a shot.


"Look how beautifully, gracefully, and easily that they move and fit together. Just how happy, at long last, that she truly and finally is." I said in awe as I watched as my beautiful big sestra and her soul mate moved together, with such synchronicity and grace, across the ice. (sister)

I am so happy that she is actually finally, fully, and genuinely happy. She has more or less always been happy, to an extent. But since she met Dimitri, there are no exclusions to her happiness. There is no 'she is happy, but...' She is simply happy, and Dimitri has done that for her. As well as all the rest of us that love and care about her. He has made her really and truly happy at long last, and I will never be able to thank him enough for that. And her being happy has made all of us thrilled. Just as long as she is happy, then we are all enormously happy for her. And for him too of course.

"Yes, indeed they do. It's because she trusts him, and not just with her safety but also with her life. And even more importantly, to her, she also trusts him with her heart. She holds nothing back from him and he does the exact same thing with her. There is no way that they could do those lifts, throws, and spins with such synchronicity and gracefulness without having practiced them, for months, first. If they didn't have that much complete and total trust, belief, faith, and love in, with, and for each other." Mommy Al said.

"God, they really are beautiful to watch together, aren't they?" Aunt Celeste said after Dimitri had thrown Rose in the air and caught her just before dropping her back into a deep dip. One of her legs wrapped around one of his hips the other foot on the ice, one arm wrapped around his shoulders. And her other arm thrown straight up above her head and her fingers of that hand gliding across the ice above her head.

"Yes, simply breathtaking. You can see their love for each other shining all around them, it just glows on both of their faces and in their eyes. It's kind of like an aura that they give off, and when they are near each other, like right now, it intensifies and shines even brighter. It burns and shines so bright that it's a wonder that it doesn't melt the ice right from underneath them. I am sooo glad that she has finally found that. Because it is far too rare, especially in our world, and if there is anyone in the whole entire world who deserves it, it is her. She has been through and dealt with so much in her life." Aunt Tamara said.

Aunt Tamara was right, after everything that my sestra has been through in her short life. She really does deserve the absolute best that the world as a whole has to offer her, for the remainder of her life, in every conceivable way. (sister) 

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