Chapter 31 - Feelings

Start from the beginning

"Why not?" She held onto his wrist, turning a little aggressive. "Is it because of Olivia?"

"Let's not do this," he said, pushing her hand away.

"So just like that, you've decided not to marry me? Give me a good reason."

"Shouldn't it be enough that I just won't marry you?"

"No!" she yelled in his face. "Is it because of Olivia?"

"Don't bring her into this."

"How could I not bring her into this when she's at the center of everything?" she yelled again, then waited for his response but it took a while, making her scoff with disbelief. "This is really because of Olivia."

"You need to get out of that wedding dress. You look horrible. Don't do this to yourself."

"You did this to me!"

"It's not like I planned for it to happen but it did and going back in time, if I could experience that exact moment with you at the altar and the phone call, I wouldn't have done anything differently."

She looked around the room with a painful grin. "Did you come here just to hurt me?"

"I came here to tell you the truth and there was no other way I had planned on saying it."

"Do you feel even the tiniest bit of remorse for what you did to me?" She anticipated his response but it took a while and she couldn't wait any longer. She grabbed onto his shirt with gritted teeth and breathed hard as she repeated her question.

Not tolerating it, he held onto her wrists and pushed them away with so much force that it stretched his shirt.

"I need to go. I'm done here," he said.

"At least answer my question before you leave!"

"Fine, you didn't deserve that."

It was the closest she had ever been to hearing an apology from him and before she could organize her words, he started to walk away again and it was only then that she spoke up.

"So that's it? Is it really the end of us?"

He turned around, furrowing his eyebrows. "There was no us. You're the one who wanted this with my mother. I did all this because it was what she wanted, but I don't do what she wants anymore a-."

"Do you have feelings for Olivia?'

"Don't bring her into this again."

"I just need to know. Do you have feelings for her?"

Ethan looked around as he struggled to speak and it only irritated Natalie.

"Don't just stay silent, you can at least say you don't." His silence carried on and she shook her head with a realization. " do."

With his gaze on the floor, he had been fighting hard to speak up and say he didn't have feelings for Olivia but just couldn't do it, shocking himself.

It was only when he heard a creaking sound that he looked up and his eyes grew wide at the sight of Natalie holding a chair. She launched it at him while screaming and he ducked, narrowly avoiding any injury.

The moment it hit the wall, Mr Philip barged in and his heart broke seeing her frantically look for something else she could launch at Ethan.

With a look of concern and panic, he told Ethan to leave and he would handle the situation alone.

As Natalie went on a rant while watching Ethan leave, her father wrapped her arms around her to calm her down and even if it took a while, he didn't let her go until she did.

When she explained to him all Ethan had said to her, he couldn't help but worry about the partnership. He then thought he needed to speak to Ms Hudson again, despite being disrespected the last time.


Ms Hudson had been constantly checking her phone as she waited for Ethan to call and apologize to her but was only disappointed each time when she found nothing from him.

She couldn't help but scoff at how stubborn he was but she still believed he would come crawling back to her and beg for her forgiveness.

She also found it difficult to accept how she had no control over him anymore but was certain he would come back to his senses and appreciate the important role she played in his life since the day she had adopted him.

As she sat in the living room, she leaned back and crossed her arms to imagine how Ethan would be on his knees, begging for her forgiveness after a lengthy apology. The scene in her mind was so satisfying that she smirked.

Her moment was cut short when she was informed that Mr Philip had arrived and she instantly rolled her eyes as she dropped her head to the sighed with an irritated groan.

When Mr Philip walked in, he paced aimlessly and she rolled her eyes again.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"Ethan said there's nothing between him and my daughter."

She instantly got up with a puzzled expression. "He did? When was this?"

"When he left my house about two hours ago."

"He came to see you and Natalie?" she asked with disbelief, bothered by how he had gone to see them but not her.

Before Mr Philip could explain any further, she went on a rant about how Ethan dared not to call her, send a text or even come back home to her but had all the time in the world to go somewhere else.

Once she was done with her rant, Mr Philip wondered what their future was regarding their partnership since the wedding was a failure but Ms Hudson was only infuriated even more as she couldn't stop thinking about Ethan and what he had done that morning.

"Moving forward, I need to know our business relationship," he said. "I've already accepted the fact that there's no personal relationship between us since Ethan wants nothing to do with my daughter."

"He had the guts not to come and see me to apologize? How ungrateful! I seriously regret the day I took him in as my own!"

Despite how harsh Ms Hudson was with her words towards Ethan, Mr Philip only thought about Natalie and her future.

"After all you did to get Ethan and Olivia divorced, it seems he's still attached to her," he said. "Will you now embrace Olivia for the sake of your grandchild?"

"Don't mention Olivia because I can't stand her." She couldn't control her bitterness as she thought about Ethan and uttered her next words with no regrets. "And what grandchild? There's no blood relation with me anyway!"

As soon as she said that, a set of footsteps got louder and when she looked behind her, Ethan was right there and he had just heard everything.

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