Harry's Trying to Hook Ginny Up With Literally Anyone

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Draco tried to ignore the stares as he followed his Father through the platform. People were stepping away as he walked by. It didn't matter, he told himself. He just needed to graduate. Potter would also be here today, a traitorous part of his mind whispered. He would take care of him. He ignored it and shrunk his trunk.
"Draco, please let me know if you need anything." His Father said while staring at him.
"Sure." He muttered. He'd rather walk over hot coals than ask this man for something. Everyone around them was silent as they watched the two Death Eaters warily. He was startled when he heard someone shouting.
"Draco? Draco? Are you here? Merlin, what if something happened?" He turned and could see the top of Potter's head through the crowd.
"That's Harry Potter!" "Wow! I can't believe I'm going to school with Potter!" "Potter looks cute!" Draco sneered at the crowd. Potter was right, they were all a bunch of blood sucking fans.
"Draco!" Potter shoved people out of the way and stared at him from across the train tracks.
"Hello Harry." He said softly. He rather liked calling Potter by his first name. He could see the shocked looks he was getting. Potter lunged over the tracks and wrapped himself around him. He was rubbing his face firmly against his cheek as he mumbled "I missed you! I couldn't find you and I was so worried something had happened. I was going to start setting people on fire until they told me where you were." Draco snorted at Potter's violent tendencies and patted his back. He leaned back to look at his face and Draco could see his eyes were shining.
"You look tired." Potter said and glared at his Father.
"Hello, Potter. Are you done causing a scene?" His Father chided him gently and Potter looked at the crowd that was staring at them.
"Can I help you?" He snapped out and they quickly walked away, not wanting to risk angering the Harry Potter.
"Harry! You can't just run off." Professor Lupin said as he came up beside them, Lord Black wheezing by his side.
"Merlin, Remy. I think one of my lungs is broken. I can't seem to catch my breath."
"I think it's called getting old." Draco muttered under his breath but Lord Black heard him. Harry was still hanging off of him so Lord Black just grumbled under his breath. Pansy and Blaise spotted him before doing a double take. He hadn't had the chance to tell them about Potter.
"Er hello, Draco." Pansy said slowly as they walked closer.
"Hello. Harry and I are courting." He said quickly. He figured he'd get it out of the way, like ripping off a band aid.
"You're what?" Blaise gasped in shock. He wasn't going to repeat himself so he just stared at them.
"Congratulations?" Pansy said, her tone questioning.
"Thank you, Parkinson! I hope you had a good summer." Harry said warmly and he watched as she pinched herself.
"We should probably get on the train. I wouldn't want to miss it." Harry started leading him towards the train and he let him, his friends following behind. Harry turned towards his godparents and hugged them tightly. Draco made eye contact with his father and nodded his head. His father looked pained but he couldn't be bothered to care.
"Here you go, Draco." Professor Lupin handed him a sack. Draco knew it was probably cursed and was hesitant to open it.
"It's a goody bag. It has snacks and a little note. I make them for Harry all the time." Harry was beaming at him and he slowly opened it to peek inside. Bats didn't erupt to claw his face off so he figured it was probably safe.
"Thank you." He said and Professor Lupin smiled at him.
"Well you're going to be a part of the family so I figured I might as well start treating you as one." Lord Black was giving him a death glare while slowly dragging his thumb across his neck. Draco gave him a tiny grin before hugging the werewolf, keeping his eyes on Lord Black.
"That means a lot to me." He was being petty but it was true. It was nice that one of Potter's parents approved of him. The train blew its warning whistle and he started looking for a compartment, Harry glued to his side.
Draco found an empty one and sat down. Potter curled up on his lap like a house cat and Draco almost bit his tongue off in surprise. Harry just smiled up at him and started rummaging around his goody bag. Pansy and Blaise awkwardly sat with them and the train left the station. The door was pulled open to reveal Weasley and Granger. They didn't bat an eye at their position before sitting beside his friends.
"Harry, Remy really outdid himself! Look, this one is in the shape of a snake!" Weasley held up a chocolate snake, scales carved delicately into the candy.
"Siri bought Remy a chocolate shop for their anniversary. He likes to dabble." Harry explained and pulled out a baggie full of fish. He happily started crunching on them as he stared at Blaise.
"Harry, stop that." Granger said firmly and Harry rolled his eyes.
"I wasn't doing anything wrong." He muttered under his breath.
"If I've offended you, Potter-" Blaise said uncomfortably and Harry shook his head.
"Are you single?" Draco stiffened. He hadn't thought Harry might want to expand their relationship, if you wanted to call it that. Blaise looked alarmed as he glanced at him.
"Er-" he said, his eyes flicking around the room.
"I broke up with Ginny and she said she always thought you were fit. I'm afraid I was rather cruel about it so maybe you could be her shoulder to cry on?" He asked hopefully, his green eyes wide. Draco let go of the breath he hadn't realized he had been holding and relaxed against the seat. His hand had gotten a mind of its own and was resting on Harry's thigh.
"Really?" Blaise looked interested. He knew the other boy had a crush on Weasley during their fifth year but she only had eyes for Potter. He couldn't help preening slightly. Potter could have anyone he wanted and he chose him.
"Ugh, Harry, stop trying to set people up with my sister." Weasley complained.
"I'm not, Ron! I'm just trying to make sure everyone can be as happy as I am." He said softly and Granger cooed.
"So cute, Harry." She patted his head and gave Weasley a smug look.
"Mione! He's playing you." He pointed at him and Harry gave a sniff before burrowing against his chest.
"Why is Ron so mean to us, Mione? Remember last week when he called you a nerd?" Harry said and Granger's eyes narrowed into slits.
"That's right! I totally forgot about that." She hissed before standing up and storming away. Weasley was quick to follow her and Harry snickered.

Harry Is Like the Little Mermaid, If She Ate the Prince At the Endحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن