Car Craze //A Supernatural Fanfiction//

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//This is fanfiction. I do not own any of the supernatural stuff or whatever. Kbye.//

                “So get this”, Sam started as Dean came out of the bathroom changed and ready for the hunt. “Only little kids can see the ghost, and the ghost convinces them to lead the way to the child’s parents. Next morning, parents are dead, kid can’t remember a thing.”

“So what do we got”, Dean inquired. “A pedo ghost? Preys on the children, kids so traumatized they don’t remember what happened in the morning?”

“I don’t know”, Sam answered closing his laptop. “Let’s check it out.”

“Sounds good”, Dean said grabbing the keys to the impala and heading out the motel door. Suddenly, Dean stopped dead in his tracks.

“What the…where the hell is Baby!?”

In the place of the Impala, sat a young man, with jet black hair and icy blue eyes.

“Vroom vroom”, the man said, smiling lazily up at dean.  

//More coming soon. Lemme know what you think C://

Car Craze //A Supernatural Fanfiction//Where stories live. Discover now