The Black Spot

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Resette was genuinely confused when Zara and Baz walked into her office. After her clients left, after what felt like hours, she made sure no one else was around before talking to them. 

"What are you doing here?" She leaned against the wall. 

"It's been a while, glad to see you're still kicking. Hadn't heard much since our deal." Zara leaned back in her chair.

"Yes, our business was over. Both of us had delivered our ends of the deal. There was no need to further our relationship." 

"Oh, so mean-" Baz held his chest. "I think you might break my heart." 

Resette looked blankly at Baz, blinked a few times then looked back at Zara. "Why are you really here?" 

Zara laughed. "Nothing goes past you, huh? It's been about two months, renovations are done. If you are interested in coming to the improved place, you know where we are." 

"I'm not one for large social gatherings." 

"Think of it as a meeting, except everyone is hopefully drunk." Baz chimed in with a smile.

"I'm flattered," Resette said sounding sarcastic. "But I probably won't be attending."

"The offer still stands. Most people will leave at one. Everyone's out by two or three." Zara shrugged. 

"Will that be all then?" Resette tilted her head.

"Actually, Zara wanted to ask you-" Baz was cut off by a sharp elbow to the chest from Zara. 

"That's it." Zara finished for him, she pulled him by the arm and pulled him to the door. 

"See you tonight- Agh!" Zara yanked Sebastian out before he could finish.

Ambrose looked up at Resette. "What? What do you want? ... I'm not going. What? Don't look at me like that." Ambrose did not stop looking at her like that. "I am not about to-" Ambrose barked at her and Resette raised her brows. "That is rude, sir." 

Ambrose barked again and Resette ignored it. She took her coat off the rack and locked the door behind her and Ambrose. 

When she got home she finished her work. It was her every day except for the fact that Ambrose wouldn't stop barking. When she was done with everything she needed to do she picked up a book and tried to read but Ambrose was beginning to bark louder. Eventually, she gave in. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!?

Ambrose stopped barking for a moment and Resette slowly picked her book back up. When she began to try and read again, he barked. Resette threw the book on the table and left the room. She heard Ambrose keep barking as she yet downstairs and put on her coat. She grabbed her things and left without a second thought. 

The December air hit her face and filled her lungs. A fog left her nose after she took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. She hated noise. She hated it when it was loud and overpowering. She could handle it in public, it was expected in public. People being loud, things overlapping, everything overbearing. But when it was in her own home she felt like dying. 

She didn't think about where she was going, she just kept hearing the barking and she walked. She walked until the only noise was the cold air blowing. Normally, she was smart enough to bring a scarf but she failed to do so now. She walked around for a while, not trying to go anywhere but just trying to calm down. Then the cold became so much she could barely stand it any longer. She looked around the street. It was on the border of uptown and downtown, and it was abnormally full of cars. All the 'businesses' around where closed except one. 

Rumplestiltskin's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora