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(Holy shit, I haven't updated this in 5 months, when did that happen? Sorry bros)

"What the fuck?" Resette stared at the hairdresser's shop blankly. 

"Oh, come off it." Baz rolled his eyes. "The stick up your arse is only going to take you so far."

"I would prefer if you didn't talk about my arse, Sebastian." Resette kept staring at the building as if it might change form if she stared at it too long. 

"There isn't much of it to talk about, anyways-" Baz chipped in before Zara jabbed him in the ribs to make him shut up.

"You are lucky that i haven't put you in the ground, i suggest you don't push your luck," Resette responded, closing her eyes in hopes that she could conjure some amount of self-control so she wouldn't kill him.

"Are you two going to bicker or are you going to get in?" Zara asked sharply, walking into the shop. Baz and Resette followed. 

"We're closed!" A young voice yelled out from the backroom

"No, you aren't! Quit sweeping and get your arse over here, Danika!" Zara yelled and they heard a squeak from the backroom. 

A young girl with short hair died rainbow entered. She had on thick glasses and wore a messy apron. 

"Danika, i presume?" Resette cocked an eyebrow. 

"If this is about my grandmother's loan, that has nothing-"

"hush, Dani!" Baz chimed in, sitting in one of the seats and propping his feet up. "We are just here to get our new friend here a little chop."

Danika's eyes widened as she slowly looked at Resette. 

"... Is she even old enough to hold scissors?" Resette asked Zara who laughed.

"She's capable." Zara smiled.

"And if she knows what's good for her, she'll be quiet about it too." Baz chimed in. 

"I think i would rather shave my head." Resette said bluntly. 

"Calm down, Goldbug. Its a haircut. No need to get your panties in a twist." Zara rolled her eyes. 

Resette fought the urge to insult her and she bit her tongue. "Whatever. Let's get this over with." Resette glared down at the girl, she was only a few years younger but that seemed like a lifetime. "Try not to piss me off."

"What do you think?" Danika held a mirror to the back of Resette's head so she could see. 

Resette hadn't noticed much of a difference, maybe it was slightly shorter and it felt lighter, but that was it. In reality, though it was much clearer. The dead ends were gone and her hair was thinner. It looked healthier, now with actual waves. It was a wolf cut that suited her surprisingly well. 

"..." Resette remained silent, not knowing what to say or do. "...I look..."

"Younger?" Danika asked. 

"Your age?" Zara smirked. 

"Not like an old woman?" Baz tilted his head to the side. 

"Fuck off, all of you." Resette rolled her eyes, taking the cape off and standing up. "I was going to say different." 

"That works too." Danika smiled and Resette glared at her. 

Resette took out her wallet and handed Danika cash, hoping she would take the hint. Resette walked to Zara, "Are you done torturing me or can we get to work?" 

"But you look so cute now!" Zara mocked, Resette resisted the urge to wipe the smile off of Zara's face. 

"If you ever call me cute again I am going to use your vertebrae as walking cane." 

"Kinky!" Baz chimed in. Both Resette and Zara looked at him, unamused and he just cocked his head to the side. "What?"

Resette shook her head and started to walk outside, reaching her hand in her pocket to get her keys when she froze. "Fuck..." She mumbled. 

"What?" Zara cocked an eyebrow. 

"I have to buy a new car." She felt like screaming, she loved her car. She really, really loved her car. 

"And why is that a bad thing?" Zara asked bluntly. "Aren't you like, super rich from daddy's money?" 

"First of all, I do not need my father's money to be wealthy. Second, do not talk about my father. Third, the process of buying a car is awful. Fourth, I loved my old car. So I would prefer if you said nothing about it, understood?"

Zara rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Don't get your panties in a bunch." Zara then looked down at Resette's pants, doubting that she owned anything feminine. "...Or boxers." 

Resette closed her eyes so she wouldn't hit something. "If you weren't part of my plan I would hit you for that comment." Resette turned around and walked out the door, both Zara and Baz followed behind her... watching her ass. 

Rumplestiltskin's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora