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It didn't take long before Rumeenah stopped left the room, headed for the 'Museum of Cultural History'. 

She wasn't stupid enough to steal anything, but she wasn't going for that. She was going for information. Auradon would have the villains in the museum, her father specifically. She could read about him and figure out what she was capable of. 

She was the embodiment of dark magic- was there any limit of her power? 

The thought of curfew didn't even cross her mind. She simply put on a cloak and left, following a map she snatched from the wall. 

She unlocked doors with the wave of her hand and relocked them after she passed. She only stopped when she saw statues of the villains. 

The Evil Queen. 




Her perfect posture sunk when she didn't see her father- but it quickly snapped into place when she heard footsteps behind her. She recognized the four of them by their footsteps. She looked around before going past all four of the villains and opening the double doors behind them. She closed them behind her and looked around, a large smile grew on her face. 

An entire room dedicated to her father. 

The walls were covered in different contracts he made. There were display cases of various magic objects. In the middle of the room was his statue, a smile on his face and his famous pose. 

Rumeenah immediately stepped forward and investigated it. She had always seen her father with tan skin, now he stood with the same skin as her. Golden grey, rough and bumpy and sickening. It was wonderful. 

Her eyes flickered to the display case in front of the statue. On a red velvet pillow laid a dagger. A dagger similar to her's with her father's name carved into the blade. Only it didn't feel... powerful. 

A fake. 

Rumeenah began looking around the room more. She read the different contracts, all vague in different ways yet constricting. 

She examined different magical items (her favorite being an hourglass that flipped itself) before she found herself staring at a spinning wheel. It wasn't in a display case like the others, just sitting on a small platform. 

Something relaxed her when she looked at it. 

Back on the isle her father would still spin. It wasn't gold but he always said it calmed him. It helped him think. Even now she could picture him sitting there, spinning slowly, watching the wheel. He always spun it slow. 

When she was little she never wanted to go to sleep. Her father said to, and she would, then immediately get out of bed because he didn't say she had to stay in bed. He laughed and let her stay up. She would watch him while he worked. Sometimes he would be at his desk but most of the time he was at his wheel at night. She would watch it spin and spin, and eventually she fell asleep staring at it. She would always wake up in her bed, wondering how she got there. As she got older and bigger she just stared, sleeping on the furniture. She got scarred of her father hurting himself caring her, scared for his bad leg. 

She wanted to go back to the isle. This place was... not right. Everyone was so... preppy. Back on the isle things were easy. She would walk somewhere and people would go the opposite direction just to avoid her. Even her chores were fun. Gathering people's money, threatening people, making deals. She missed it. She missed her father. She missed their pawn shop. Heck, she even missed Uma's sarcasm. 

But there was a job to do. 

And she never messed up a job. 

She tore her eyes from the the wheel and looked back at the statue- but it was gone. 

Rumeenah looked around the room quickly, searching for threat. Against the wall leaned the statue, staring at her. 

"Miss me that much, dearie?" The statue said. 

Rumeenah's eyes went wide. "Papa?" 

"Technically- technically not." The statue teeterd its hand before it slowly walk to her. "I'll tell you now- I'm not the statue." He pointed to where the statue was, and it appeared again. 


"I'm in your head, dearie!" He appeared behind her and she jumped back. 

"What the-" She stopped herself and backed up. "What do you mean 'you 're in my head'?"

"I'm not real. I'm not even an illusion. If someone walked in right now, they would see you talking to yourself." The thing that looked like her father smiled. 

"Great. So now I'm schizophrenic?" She made the mistake of blinking and he vanished again. She turned around looking for him but he was nowhere, before he appeared right in front of her. "You-" She jumped back again, this time slightly less. 

"You're not crazy. Your a dark one. I'm here to help you with the dagger. Show you because no one else will." 

"Any reason you look like my father?"

"He may be powerless on the Isle but he is the dark one you know. I can be anyone you know." Instead of her father in front of her it was now Fairy god mother with an awful smile. "A hated old fairy." It transformed into Mal. "A gloomy teenager." It transformed into Evie. "Or even that blue girl you have a thing for." 

"I do not have a thing for her." Rumeenah scoffed. 

"What would I know? I'm just in your head!" It smiled before turning back to her father. 

"Are you here to help me or to bother me?" Rumeenah crossed her arms, growing tired of the game. 

"I don't know, dearie. It's your head." 

"I don't suppose you'll go away?" 

"Not until you can make me." 

Rumeenah took a deep breath and sighed. 

"Now, you should go. You wouldn't want to not be there when your friends get back."

"They are not my friends." Rumeenah growled. 

"Oh, that's right." The thing giggled. "You don't have any." 

Rumeenah simply rolled her eyes before waving her hand. Magic washed over her and teleported her back to her shared room. 

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