Chess Pieces

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"Exactly how did you come across my father's old things?" Resette asked Pamona. She sat on Pamona's shitty old couch with her legs crossed. Ambrose sat next to her on the floor. 

"Didn't your father tell you to never reveal your source?" Pamona smiled. 

"He taught me to find the source." Resette said simply. 

"My dear Resette," Pamona leaned forward. "I am the source." 

"Then you wouldn't mind telling me where you got it." 

Pamona chuckled and moved one of the chess pieces on the board in front of them. "Your father had a lot of... things. Most of which he kept in the storage units uptown. I guess Esmee didn't like his-"

"Mention my mother's name again and you won't be able to speak it." Resette glared at Pamona who only chuckled again. 

"Anyway, once your dad's prepayment plans stopped it got auctioned off."

"And you purchased it before the auction went public?"

"Somethin' like that." 

Resette looked at the chess set and picked up one of the pieces, she ran her finger across the gold carving of the queen. "How much do you have?"

"To give you an estimate? Under a hundred."

"How specific." Resette said. "I'll give you four hundred for it."

Pamona hummed with a smirk. "Four fifty. I've seen antique sets go for about that, you're low ballin' me."

Resette was incredibly thankful that her father taught her to use a poker face in business because Resette was very much underpaying, even at four fifty. While most antique sets (If they were metal) were steel or brass, this was solid silver and gold, most likely from the medieval era. It would be sold for at least  thirty thousand at auction but truly it belonged in a museum. 

"You're lucky I'm tired after work and not up to bartering." Resette sighed and reached into her pocket before pulling out a leather wallet. She pulled out five bills and handed it to Pamona before putting her wallet away. 

"You want it in your car?" Pamona asked with a smile as she counted the bills. 

"I-" Resette started but was cut off by Pamona yelling:

"SEBASTIAN, ZARA, GET YOUR DUMB ASSES IN HERE NOW." Resette grit her teeth and closed her eyes at the loud noise, Ambrose growled at Pamona. "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie, was that too loud?" 

Resette raise her hand and Ambrose stopped growling. 

The door opened and two figures stood in the doorway. The waitress and the bartender. 

"What do ya want, ma?" The girl growled, Zara, Resette reminded herself. Sebastian, Baz, stood behind her with eyes locked on Resette and a smile on his face. 

"It's really not necessary-" Resette stood up, Ambrose did as well.

"It's no problem at all my sweet." Pamona smiled and Resette cringed at the name.

Resette opened the board and carefully put in the pieces. When she closed the drawer, Sebastian picked it up.

"Where to?" He cocked his head towards Pamona.

"Resette's car, don't drop it." She warned with a frown, when she looked back at Resette she smiled. "I'll message you with the next item."

Resette nodded and walked out the door with Ambrose as Zara held it open. She would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous about Sebastian carrying the antique. If he broke it or even damaged it he would go missing. 

"You know, we can ask her." Sebastian whispered to Zara as he passed. 

"Don't even think about it." Zara mumbled back to him. 

Resette said nothing the entire walk to her car. She opened the car door for Sebastian to put in the antique. Ambrose happily sat in the car. 

Sebastian whistled sharply. "Damn, that's a nice car." 

"You use Daddy's money to pay for it?" 

Resette stopped dead in her tracks and looked over her shoulder at Zara. "I don't think I heard you right." 

Zara just glared up at Resette. "I think you did."

Resette's eyes narrowed and she stepped closer to Zara. 

"Well, not that I wouldn't love to see you two fight, I would actually pay to see it, preferably without  clo- anyways, if your going to fight each other then I suggest in a different environment, one without cameras."

Resette glanced up to the wall of the building and looked at the two cameras pointed directly at her and Zara. She looked back at Zara. "I don't suggest making enemies with me dearie, you have no idea what you're getting into." 

"Just because everyone sucks up to you doesn't mean I will, dearie." Zara mocked Resette. "And I'm not your enemy, I'm your equal."

"If that puts you to sleep at night, you're welcome to believe it. Now, will that be all? Or are you going to continue to try and seem intimidating?"

Zara scoffed. "You think your so much better than all of us."

Resette unnarrowed her eyes, something clicked in her brain that she was unsure of. "You know nothing about me." She stepped forward and Zara took a step back. "You don't know who I am. You don't know anything about my methods. You're more than welcome to hate me but don't assume." 

Zara's expression went from scornful to analytical. She looked into Resette's eyes, she could have sworn she felt something. Her eyes weren't hazel or amber like she had heard, they were gold. Gold in different shades, like polished and old, shimmering and rustic. Her eyes were hypnotising, like magic. 

Resette then turned away and closed the door to her car. She got in and drove away. 

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