"Oh right. I forget that you knew me before I knew you."

"Harry that is one of the stupidest things you've ever said."

"Oh shut it."

"We met at the same time! Just because you were conscious yet doesn't mean you weren't there!"

"Shut up."

"Shut up." Adeline repeated in a mocking voice.

"You are supposed to be the adult."

"Your're sixteen and 11 months Harry. You're adult enough."


"Don't whatever me."

"What. Ever."


"You can't ground me."

"Yes I can."

"Only the Dursley's can do that."

"Okay then I'll get Petunia."

"You wouldn't dare."

a beat.

"You're right I wouldn't. That would require me to talk to her."

"What smells so good?" Dudley entered the room and looked embarrassed when he saw who sat at the table, "Oh it's you two."

Since Adeline came with Harry, the Dursley's made it a point to avoid them. "We'll have leftovers dear. Feel free to grab a serving."

Dudley and Harry both looked at her in shock.

"It isn't poisoned. Just some eye of newt." Adeline said then noticed Dudley's shocked face turned to horror, "I'm kidding! Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. It's perfectly normal human food. You don't have to sit with us if you aren't comfortable, but eat up."

Dudley hesitantly began serving himself a plate. When he filled it up, he mumbled a thanks and left to go eat in front of the television.

"Why are you being nice to him? You hate the Dursley's." Harry asked bitterly.

"I hate Petunia and Vernon. He is a child." Adeline explained.

"He's a spoiled brat."

"Because of his parents." Adeline pointed out, "It isn't too late for him to change. Everything so far is Petunia and Vernon's fault. He didn't know any better. Showing him how a true parent and a good kid act might help turn him around."

"Well I will not be all nice to him."

"Yes you will."

"Says who? Don't answer that."

"Says me." Adeline replied anyways.

"I said not to answer it."

"Harry, just be cordial. That's all. I'll handle the rest. He's the only blood family you have."

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