you are in love

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"She could've died! I wanted to go with her but you promised that she would be safe. This all falls on you. She's covered with as many scars as me and is missing a fucking leg. And you're acting like it's just a happy accident!" Remus spoke in a harsh whisper but was slowly getting louder with each word.

Dumbledore's demeanor did not falter at his words and he kept a hushed down as he replied calmly, "Mr. Lupin, she was safe in her parents house there are protections in place at muggleborn's homes. I could not have predicted she would leave it's safety."

"But she could've. You have eyes you could see that she was hesitant to go alone. She's living with the Potters for a reason." Remus voice was past a whisper at this point, "You put her life in danger. And you are trying to act fucking innocent. Just apologize! Acknowledge your fuck up! Because she deserves that much."

"Mr. Lupin, if me apologizing puts your mind at rest then I am sorry."

Remus scoffed, "Wow so genuine. That girl right there," Remus pointed at Adeline who may or may not have been pretending to sleep, "if she would've died. Then I wouldn't put up with your secret little plan for me. Because I love her. And I wouldn't work with an accomplice in her murder."

Effie stepped in, "Let's continue this conversation outside you are going to wake her up. James, Sirius, you two stay with her in case she wakes, the Healer said she should be soon.."

Adeline heard shuffling and then the opening and closing of a door. Her eyes immediately opened and she searched for James and Sirius who sat on the floor near her bed.

"Did he just say he loved me?" Adeline whispered to the boys.

They both jumped in shock at her being awake. "Fuck Wilson how long have you been awake?" Sirius asked.

"Enough to hear him say he loved me."

James smiled at her, "Was that the first time he's said it?"

"Yes! And it wasn't even to my face it was to Dumbledore!" Adeline groaned.

"Yeah he's proper pissed at Dumbledore. Rightfully so. Why on Earth would he send you out alone?" James questioned.

"I agreed to it. He didn't shove me in the fire place and throw floo powder at me."

"He still suggested it." Sirius argued.

"Well I can't think of a reason Dumbledore would want me dead." Mary's voice echoed in her head 'he uses people.'

"Yeah. What did happen? Remus gave us the rough run down but...." James wondered off not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

"I'll explain it in full once everyone is in here. I don't want to repeat it."

"Okay. So what do you want to talk about instead?" James asked.

Adeline gave a soft laugh, "I don't know. Oh! Are the girls here?"

James shook his head sadly, "No, they're proper upset about it too. Sirius and I were only allowed because we live with you and could be considered family."

"Fun. How long have you been here?"

The two boys looked at each other. Sirius answered softly, "Four days."

"Four days? I've been sleeping for four days?"

"You were actually asleep for five." James answered sheepishly.

"I missed graduation? Wait if you guys were here you missed it too!"

"You're more important than going across a lake in a boat Zippy."

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