you're on your own kid

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Adeline woke up in the morning with a plan. She refused to let the hurtful words of Sirius or the betrayal of Remus get her down. So she was going to go into town to get ingredients to make dinner for everyone.

Adeline got dressed and made her way downstairs. She found Euphemia in the kitchen working on breakfast.

"Good Morning dear, how did you sleep?" Euphemia asked.

"Wonderful, your mattress is to die for."

"That's good to hear. Breakfast will be ready in a little."

"I think I'm going to have to skip breakfast today. I want to make it to town early so I can get fresh produce."

"Fresh produce? For what?"

"I am giving you the night off. I will be cooking dinner tonight."

"Adeline, you don't have to do that"

"Think of it as an extra Christmas gift. Plus it gives me something to do. I don't exactly want to go play mock Quidditch with the boys; I don't even care for real Quidditch."

"Well alright then if you insist. I think that would be lovely."

"Great then I must request that the kitchen be cleared out by 3 and I shall have dinner on the table by 6"

"I forgot you can't use magic yet, are you sure you want to take this on?"

"Euphemia, starting tomorrow you're going to jump from making dinner for 7 to making dinner for 10. And your sons eat enough for four people, so let this be a break to prepare you for your upcoming fate."

Euphemia loved hearing her first name used again, "Can I at least give you money to pay for groceries?"

Normally Adeline would say no but, "I will accept money purely because I want this to be an amazing dinner for you and I definitely have a habit of cheaping out."

Euphemia laughed then reached for her purse and handed Adeline some money. "I don't want any change. If you go under budget then just keep it for yourself." Adeline began to protest, "No buts, off you go now, the markets are opening soon."

Adeline left and headed towards the village. It was a muggle village, which was what she was used to. She stopped at a bakery to get a blueberry muffin- she should have eaten breakfast back at the Potters. She then headed to the stands to buy all the ingredients she would need. She planned on four courses. First she would have a charcuterie board that she planned to send out twenty minutes before the meal was ready to keep them occupied. Then she would serve a salad with a homemade vinaigrette. Then as an appetizer she was going to serve Yorkshire pudding. And for the main course she was going to make cottage pie with homemade rolls. If she had time she planned on baking some cookies for dessert, but with only three hours she wasn't positive she could manage it.

Adeline spent the afternoon purchasing all her groceries and when she was finished she began to head back to the house. On her way she spotted a red telephone booth sticking out amongst the dreary British fog. She had never been in a place during the school year with a telephone booth for her to call her parents. She ran towards it, ecstatic to get to talk to her parents for Christmas, even two days late.

Adeline dialed the number she knew by heart and waited for them to answer.

"Hello?" Adeline's mom answered the phone.

"Hi mom! It's me, it's Adeline."

"Adeline, what are you doing calling me? It's during the school year."

"I'm staying off campus for break and there was a telephone booth so I wanted to wish you and dad a merry Christmas, I miss you guys so much!"

a sheep in wolf's clothing// remusWhere stories live. Discover now