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When Harry's name was pulled out of the Goblet of Fire, Adeline had to be physically restrained by Hagrid.

She was magically muted to prevent the younger children from hearing the string of curse words that flooded from her mouth.

When Harry was finally released from his questioning, Adeline was waiting outside the door for him.

"They're not letting you, right?" Adeline demanded.

"They're making me." Harry responded dejected.

"Fuck that." Adeline stormed passed him into the room. "Dumblewhore he's not doing it."

"It is not my decision Miss Wilson." Albus responded, as the other two Headmasters gasped at her disrespect.

"You're right, it's my decision and I choose no."

"It's a magically bounding contract Miss Wilson. There is physically no other option. He has to do it." Bartemius Crouch explained.

"Says who? You? Mr. Death Eater for a son? Yeah I knew Barty. So how do I know you didn't put his name in-."

"Miss Wilson!" McGonagall interrupted. "That is a very serious accusation."

"I'll accuse every single one of you until I figure out who put my godson in danger."

"That is not a productive use of your time Miss Wilson."

"Who said I give a damn about my time? All I care about is that child's safety. Although it's been made abundantly clear to me on multiple occasions that Hogwarts doesn't give one flying fuck about the safety of our children."

Adeline could tell McGonagall was hurt by her words, but she couldn't bring herself to care.

"If anything happens to Harry, I will hunt every single one of you down, tear out your intestine and use it as a straw to drink your blood."

Confused and horrified faces followed as Adeline stormed out of the room slamming the door behind her. Harry stood outside waiting.

"That was a new one." Harry said looking a little frightened.

"Have to instill fear in people some way." Adeline replied then beckoned Harry to follow her. "Let's go for a chat Harry."

"Alright." He complied.

When they arrived in Adeline's makeshift office (a small room inside the infirmary) they took a seat on either side of her desk. "You have to promise me you won't be reckless Harry. I do not want you to try to win this thing. I want you to survive." James would murder me for saying this if he was here.

"Yes ma'am." Harry grumbled, "Why does it always have to be me? Why can't I have one normal year."

"Couldn't tell you Harry. You and I have the worst luck of anyone I know. Maybe throw in Sirius too."

"Does that mean I'm going to get thrown in jail next?"

"Maybe. We'll have to have Remus charm you a book to keep you sane."

"A book?" Harry inquired.

"Yep a book." Adeline said as she pulled it out of her ear and expanded it, "This book right here saved me from losing it. Remus charmed it for me after your father told me his plan to survive Azkaban."

"Did my father expect to go to Azkaban?"

"You never know with James." Adeline laughed, "But I had just learned that they were all Animagi and he figured they could transform into their animals in order to stay sane. I was not one so this was my way of not losing my mind."

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