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Adeline decided to skip breakfast in the morning. After the unwarranted attention she received yesterday, she'd much rather grab a bagel from the kitchens and get to sleep in a little. She was the first to arrive at Potions and picked a seat in the second row and got out her supplies for the day. Students started trickling in as breakfast ended and Adeline kept her eyes peeled for Dorcas. This was the first year that the houses got to be mixed since students who didn't pass the OWLs were weeded out. When Dorcas entered, Adeline's face lit up and she patted the seat next to her.

"I can't believe we actually get to have Potions together" Dorcas said while taking her seat.

"I can't believe you're taking my lab partner Addy" Marlene sighed as she sat down in the table in front of them.

"You might have girlfriend privileges but the best friend will always outrank you." Adeline joked back knowing that it wasn't true.

"Yeah Addy was the first love of my life, plus she's bloody amazing at potions" Dorcas said while trying to hold back a laugh.

"I'm going to ignore that second and hold onto the fact that you love me." Adeline joked while reaching out to hold Dorcas' hand. Lily Evans entered the room and took the seat next to Marlene. "That explains why you took the front row. You never struck me as an academic weapon Mars"

"Lily gave me specific instructions to get the front row." Marlene said while glaring at Lily.

"Forgive me for wanting to be as far away from James and Sirius as possible. You know they always take the back." Lily responded laughingly.

Right on cue the Marauders entered the classroom. Sirius and Peter predictably headed straight for the back of the class, Remus glanced at Adeline on his way back and felt almost disappointed that she didn't stop him to trade insults. James, however, did stop to talk to Lily (of course).

"Why hello my Lilyflower. Fancy seeing you here." James said with a wink.

"Why hello James, shouldn't you be heading to the back with the rest of the miscreants?" Lily said in a teasing manner.

"Lily we both know I have no idea what that means. So, I'm going to assume you mean I should be in the back with the rest of the super cool and hot boys, and to that I agree. But you know I'll always make time to say hello to you." James smiled and blew a kiss before walking away towards the back.

"I don't know how you put up with it Lily." Adeline said watching in disgust.

"Ha. I don't either. It used to be super annoying, but now it's more...i don't know... endearing?" Lily sat questioning her own emotions. James still had some growing up to do, but lately she started feeling excited when he would approach her.

"Sounds to me like James is finally starting to wear poor Lily flower down." Marlene said while poking Lily.

"Don't let him hear you. The knowledge that you don't hate him anymore will inflate his ego so big that we won't be able to fit in the room." Adeline said in a mockingly serious tone.

"You're right about that." Lily responded with a smile at Adeline.

Adeline has never been close to Lily, she knew her mainly as one of Dorcas' friends. But Slughorn would always praise her as a great student and she held the title as top of their year. Adeline was always slightly jealous of this. She was by far the best at Potions and Herbology, but she was terribly mediocre at Defense Against the Dark Arts which brought her overall average down. Lily, on the other hand, seemed to be great at everything.

"Alright class time to start." Slughorn announced while walking into the room. "Your seat will be your same seat for the rest of the year. Unless I get bored and mix it up of course. Today we're starting easy with a Hiccoughing Solution. Flip to page thirty and begin."

Adeline turns to Dorcas, "This will be a breeze. I made one last year to prank Lupin."

"I forgot about that one, he retaliated with Frog Spawn Soap." Dorcas said with a laugh.

"That was my favorite prank he did. The initial shock was rough but I got ten new pets out of it so it was bloody worth it." Adeline said earnestly.

The girls then got to work on the potion, with Adeline doing most of the heavy lifting. They were the first ones done and rose their hands for Slughorn to check it. The second they got Slughorn's attention, Remus Lupin rose his hand as high as can be.

"Lupin and Wilson, it's strange to see you in the same room. I should've known you both would be done in sync." Slughorn said with a chuckle.

"Actually I'm pretty sure I rose my hand first, Professor." Adeline stated with confidence.

"Not everything is a competition Wilson. There's nothing wrong with me taking my time and making sure everything is perfect. I'd hate to rush through my assignments for the sake of being first." Lupin retorted. "Even if my potion was correct I would have to assume it was the product of luck."

"Huh, a bit of rivalry between you two isn't there?" Slughorn laughed. "Hopefully it pushes you both to be better potionists and you don't destroy my classroom."

Potionists?? He's losing his mind. Remus and Adeline thought to themselves in sync.

Slughorn walked over to check Adeline and Dorcas' potion first and saw it was completed perfectly. He gave them a nod to leave and then went back to check Remus and Peter's. There's was perfect as well so he gave them a nod too. Lily and Marlene rose their hands and so Slughorn went back to the front to check theirs. Dorcas and Adeline just finished packing up their stuff and were about to leave when Slughorn began to praise Lily.

"Miss Evans you did it again." Slughorn laughed boisterously. "10 points to Gryffindor."

Adeline looked bewildered and made eye contact with Remus who shared the same sentiment. He just shook his head and looked away. He definitely wants to fuck her. Adeline thought to herself. But she left the classroom with Dorcas, Remus, and Peter without saying a word.

"I know what you're thinking Addy and stop it." Dorcas scolded.

I guarantee she doesn't know what I'm thinking. Adeline thought.

"You are not a useless Hufflepuff. Points don't equal value."

Wow she was way off.

"I know Dorcas, don't worry. I'm fine really."

"I don't know Cassie, I rather think Wilson is a useless wizard in general." Remus interjected.

"Remus-" Dorcas began.

"It's okay Dorcas," Adeline began. "Remus is just projecting his own insecurities onto me."

"No I actually just believe that in order to be a useful wizard you have to be able to win a duel." Remus smirked, remembering how Adeline lost every duel in their fifth year.

"And I thought a wizard had to be human. You, Lupin, are a pig."

No, I'm a wolf actually Remus thought.

"Come on Adeline, you two are giving me a head ache. Let's stop by the kitchens before Charms cause I know I didn't see you in the Great Hall this morning." Dorcas said with authority.

"I'll have you know, I ate a bagel this morning, thank you very much." Adeline argued.

"Yeah, no. You need some eggs in you- let's go."

// an
finally a long chapter! i think everyone is introduced so we can start on some actual plot.

i feel like every fic has the oc be amazing at dada so i wanted to mix it up with this one. people associate potions with slytherins and i wanted Adeline to break that mold.

a sheep in wolf's clothing// remusWhere stories live. Discover now