no body no crime

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"The decision is up to you."

On October 24th, Albus Dumbledore, Lily Evans, James Potter, Sirius Black, Adeline Wilson, and Peter Pettigrew sat around the Potter Manor dining table.

For theirs and their son's safety, James and Lily were going into hiding.



James and Lily said at the same time.

"Sirius is too obvious." Lily argued.

"Adeline isn't capable." James retorted.

"Adeline is more than capable."

"Sirius would be reverse psychology."

"Maybe it's for the best to let them decide." Dumbledore suggested turning to Adeline and Sirius.

"I'll do it."

"Sirius should do it."

Adeline and Sirius responded immediately.

"I wouldn't be able to hold up under torture." Adeline responded honestly. Plus she already carried the secret of the Stone, she couldn't have another one.

"I can take torture." Sirius agreed.

"Plus if something were to happen, I'm the better option to take care of Harry."

"Hey! I can take care of Harry!"

"You refuse to change his diaper!"

"It's disgusting!"

"Is it decided then?" Dumbledore inquired.

"Yes." James said, happy to get his way.

"Yes." Lily added. "Only because I'd rather Addy raise Harry."

"Rude." Sirius mumbled.

"Then it is settled. The house in Godric's Hollow is all set up for you. As soon as the spell is cast we will all be unable to find it. We'll retain the knowledge that it exists, but will not be capable of finding the house. It will be up to Sirius' discretion whether or not he visits, or tells anyone."

"I'll take Addy and Wormy to visit but I won't tell them where it is." Sirius declared.

Adeline cocked her head at Sirius. Why wouldn't he tell her?

"Alright then we can start the spel-." An owl flew through the window towards Dumbledore, "I must read this, I will be right back." Dumbledore swiftly exited the room.

"Why aren't you going to tell me?" Adeline questioned Sirius.

"Adeline it isn't personal."

"I find that doubtful."

"Let it go."

"Tell me why."

"I don't trust Remus. There I said it."

"Are you serious?"

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