sparks fly

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Two weeks passed since Remus pranked Adeline's shoes, and he was constantly on edge.

"She must be planning something big. She has never waited this long before." Remus exclaimed to the boys.

"Maybe she isn't going to prank you" Peter suggested hopefully, not wanting to be dragged into another war.

"No she's definitely planning something." James added. "Lily said she's getting ready with her, Dorcas, and Marlene for the Halloween party tonight. Adeline has never gone to a party."

"I'm fucked." Remus said with eyes wide.

"It was nice knowing you" Sirius responded while patting him on the back.

Adeline's roommates told her they needed the room tonight. Apparently their hook up partners wanted to change up the location- Adeline did not need to know that last part. So she had to accept Dorcas' offer for the first time.

"Everyone eat fast cause we have to go over to Hogsmeade to get costumes." Dorcas commanded the girls.

"Dorcas, just wear your original costumes, I'll throw something together." Adeline said softly.

"Absolutely not," Marlene added. "Adeline Wilson is going to a party. We have to match."

"We just need to decide between The Wizard of Oz or Alice in Wonderland" Lily added. Adeline always forgot Lily was a muggleborn too; she fit in so well with the wizarding world.

"I vote Alice in Wonderland" Dorcas announced. "Lily would be the Queen of Hearts because of her gingerness, Marlene would be the Mad Hatter so I would have to be Alice because I can't be the only one who saw chemistry between them. And Addy can be the White Rabbit because chances are she'll show up late to the party."

"That fits pretty well yeah." Adeline conceded.

"Then it's settled, now get eating so we can find outfits." Dorcas said with a smile.


Adeline went over to Gryffindor to get ready with Lily, Dorcas, and Marlene. They blared ABBA and did each other's makeup and hair. Adeline met their fourth roommate, a quiet girl named Mary McDonald. The two girls didn't talk much since neither were the type to start a conversation. They decided to buy her a Cheshire Cat costume in case she wanted to join in on their group, and she happily agreed. Adeline was finished getting ready first and looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't want to go super slutty like she was expected to on Halloween. She hoped she could just slip into the background and watch the party instead of being in the center. She wore a vintage white dress but accessorized, she carried a pocket watch and wore bunny ears. Nothing too attention seeking she thought to herself.

The other girls slowly finished getting ready as well. They got a girl from a different room to take polaroids of them so they'd be able to remember the time they got Adeline to go to a party. Plus they looked hot. The five girls made their way down to the common room where the party was taking place. As soon as they hit the bottom step James was already there to praise how gorgeous Lily looked. The four boys all wore deer antlers for some reason Adeline didn't get. She was able to slip away from the group while Marlene and Dorcas went to dance and Mary went over to find her other friends.

She sat on a couch that was pushed to the side to make more room for dancing and she observed the room. A few boys offered her drinks and asked her to dance, all of which she politely declined. After about an hour of people watching, Dorcas grabbed her arm.

"Come on Addy, just one dance"

"Dorcas, you promised you wouldn't make me."

a sheep in wolf's clothing// remusHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin