Chapter 25: Coming Out

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Ray opened the last pack of biscuits, took half of the content and saved the other half. Then, she split what she took into three parts, giving the most to AB.

"You need to eat more to get well." Ray tried to justify what she did.

"Thank you, but I don't feel like eating much right now."

Ray finally shared the biscuits evenly with the three of them. They munched slowly so what little they had would make them feel full.

"I wonder how Caleb, as someone who spreads his Lord's love, felt after seeing those men did a cold-blooded murder by shooting Shotty on his back," Ray said.

"I don't wish people bad things but I really hope Caleb will have terrible nightmares tonight as I'm sure I will," Moony said. "I don't like Shotty personally, but what they did to him, as you said, was a cold-blooded murder. They still shot him even when he was no longer moving. Sick."

"If only Shotty had planned his escape better... We could try taking over the plane from Caleb and that would be a better way to escape."

"Would you know how to fly that plane? I mean, it's different from the private jet, right?" Moony asked Ray.

Ray smiled. "That type of plane is what I used to gather my flying hours. I flew it daily back then. I have over five-hundred hours in it."

"That's good to know in case we try to escape by taking over the plane."

"I still think we'd better wait. It's the least risky option."

Moony nodded and suddenly asked, "Who received the tracker signal by the way? The police?"

"The automatic pushed notification from the tracker was sent to Farz and my office."

"Your father?"

"No, the office. All pilots working for the company must put the management number as one of the receivers of the tracker's pushed notification."

"I know, you told me about the office getting the pushed notification. How about your father? He must be worried about you seeing that you're so close to him."

Ray slightly shrugged her shoulders.

"You need to stop giving out those tells if you want to keep misleading people. Showing a poker face is better in the long term," AB suddenly joined the conversation.

"What are you talking about, AB?" Moony asked because AB's rambling words did not make sense at all to him.

"Our sweet Ray here likes misleading people. A compulsive misleader, I'd say, because she does it often. Not by lying but by not telling the truth. Unfortunately for her, when you get to know her real well, it's easy to know when she's misleading people from her tell, shrugging her shoulders," AB explained what he meant. "I'm just helping her out with her technique."

"How did you even..." Moony stopped his words mid-sentence.

"Didn't you notice that she shrugged her shoulders when you said how close she was with her father? Or when you said they shared quality time in the sky? Or when you thought she woke up late because she was too tired when, in fact, she had gone jogging early in the morning? Or when we assumed she was in a relationship with Farz? She was misleading us by not telling the truth."

"What do you mean?" Moony asked in confusion. "That Ray doesn't share a good relationship with her father?"

"She doesn't. And she is not in a relationship with Farz."

Moony turned to Ray so he could take a really good look at her. "Ray, is that true?"

Ray had not made any responses to what AB said, but her eyes stared sharply at him.

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