Chapter 19: Ambush

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"Hey!" Ray yelled in annoyance.

"We're being shot," AB briskly said. "Be alert."

Ray realised then what was happening and hastily put her headset in the bag.

"Automatic gun?" Ray asked since the gunshot sound was rapid and in staccato.

"Looks like it's the police using it."

AB was right. When the rapid staccato sound ended, there were sounds of single gunshots to counterpart it and some echoed inside their bus, indicating that the shots hit the bus.

"Moony, Shotty, you okay?" AB checked them on the seats in front of them.

"We're okay, AB, we're okay," Moony confirmed although his face was quite pale.

The bus kept going despite getting hit by more bullets. One shot, from the loud sound of it, seemed to hit the outside of Ray's window to make her unconsciously take the brace position, placing her head against the seat in front and her hands on the back of her head for protection.

Those gunshots suddenly stopped, including the continuous staccato of the automatic gun. It became too quiet that it was eerie.

"Are we safe now?" Ray asked, lifting her head a little so she could look at AB.

Before AB could make any reply, there was a deafening sound and a quake that shook the bus. A bomb had exploded. Ray was quick to put her right arm on AB's head and push it against the headrest in front of them. Then, it all felt in slow motion as the bus took a sudden turn to the left, lost its balance, tilted, and fell completely on its side with a loud screeching crash.

AB's body crushed Ray's to the window and the impact left both of them paralysed for a while. Shouts of panic and fear from other passengers made AB regain full awareness and control of his body and tried to lift himself off Ray. Their horizontal positions made it difficult, but AB finally managed to crawl to free himself from the chairs and stand up on his knees against the window.

"Are you okay?" AB helped Ray to straighten her body.

Ray only nodded. Her breathing was fast and shallow.

Most lights inside the bus went off by the time of the accident, leaving the cabin dim, but AB could see a drop of blood dripping down the left side of Ray's face.

"You're bleeding," he told her because she did not seem to notice it.

AB inspected Ray's wound. The blood came out of a cut, probably from hitting the steel plate, but it was not too deep.

"Any broken bones?"

"I don't think so. How about you?" Ray asked.

"I'm fine. Your arm protected my head from the impact and your body cushioned mine. Thank you."

Ray touched the cut on her temple and felt the blood.

"It's not too deep. Leave it for the moment. Let me check on Moony and Shotty."

Ray nodded.

"Moony! Shotty! Are you guys okay?"

"Okay, AB!"

AB could not see where Moony and Shotty's exact positions were at the moment, but the abrupt forceful poundings outside and blood-curling shouts halted him from looking for them.

"That can't be the police, no?" Ray whispered because around them there was a sudden silence.

"Doesn't seem like it," AB replied quietly.

The shouts became more demanding as the bus was shaken. Then, somewhere nearby, the sounds of gunshots started again.

"Stay low, everyone! On the ground! They're trying to break the back window glass," AB shouted and pulled Ray down when he realised what was happening.

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