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» [Play with Fire - Sam Tinnesz] «
0:32 ────── 3:00
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╰┈*ੈ‧₊˚❝𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝!❞ ‧₊˚

Touya has just arrived back from Sekoto Peak - where he trained his quirk – and excitedly went up to Endeavor, ignoring the previous conversation he overheard.

"Dad, come to Sekoto Peak on your next day off!" Touya cheerfully told him, his grin nearly reaching his eyes.

Enji stared at his eldest child with glare in his eye that could kill. He was confused as to why he had invited him there. It suddenly hit him. He moved over and lifted Touya's shirt to see the burns. His suspicions were correct.

"Touya, you're still-"

"It's really cool! Make sure you come! I might be able to get to Shoto's level! I don't think I'd lose to All Might, either!" He jumped up and down in joy.

Endeavor just stood there, fist balled up and face painted with a furious expression. To think, his child who knew what the consequences would be to this, still used his quirk. It boiled Enji's blood.

"And I'm sure you'd have to accept it, too. I'll make you glad I was born!" Touya shouted with a crazed look in his eyes full of tears, gripping his white hair tightly. Endeavor said nothing, just walked away furious.

As the days passed, Touya would continuously try and figure out a plan for him and Keiko to escape. His mind always served him blank so he just though to just wing it.

Him and Keiko were at the mountain where Touya trained his quirk. Keiko wanted to come watch how he trains his quirk, since their father never does. She sat on the ground a few meters from him, to keep a safe distance from the hot flames. Keiko was amazed with what her big brother could do, she wanted to cheer him on, but decided against it as to not bother him and make him lose his concentration.

So, she kept quiet while observing him using his quirk. She took notice that the now white-haired boy seemed angry today. She wanted to ask about it, but then decided against it. He kept on shouting while punching the air with his hands on fire. Slowly the flames spread up to his shoulders and then his entire body.

"Stupid Dad! Why can't just see that I'm not a failure? That I can surpass him too? Why, why, WHY?!" As he yelled, his flames turned from red-orange to flames as blue as his eyes.

"Big Bro, are you ok? Those look hot." Keiko asked him. Only when she spoke, did Touya snap back into reality, the flame quickly disappearing into thin air. His calmness causing the flames to vanish. He walked to a rock and took a seat, thinking.

"Dad...!" He breathed out, his tear ducks setting ablaze. Flames eventually consuming his body. He then started feeling the heat of the blue flames engulfing his body. The burning sensation so painful.

"It's so hot! I won't go out!" He howled with adrenaline coursing through his veins.

The trees of the forest immediately catching the flame. The flames reaching high atop of the trees. The vibrant light blue hues surrounding the forest.

"Big Brother! Stop that! You're hurting yourself!" Keiko cried in fear for her Big Brother Touya.

"I'm trying to, but it won't stop! WHY WON'T IT STOP!" Touya screamed tensely. He moved around, trying to put out the fire on his skin, and accidentally set a branch on a faraway tree on fire. The fire spread quickly, causing the other trees in the section to set ablaze as well.

"What should I do? I don't know what to do to help you, Touya! I wanna help you!" She cried while trying to conjure water, but her age didn't allow that yet.

She was still too weak to conjure and control it, meaning she would have to think of another way to put out the fire. Feeling helpless, the only thing she could do was try and calm him down. Even if it was just a little bit.

"Big Bro Touya! Listen to me! Try and calm down! Maybe it will help to get rid of the flames! It could be caused by your emotions! Just like how your joy strengthens them! Do it with me, deep breaths in and out! I know it hurts, but I'm trying to help you! So please, Big Brother, please just breath!" She begged him. He tried to calm down, but the pain of his skin burning off his flesh was so painful.

"Focus on me, Touya!" She exclaimed. Touya raised his head and tried to focus on her. She was motioning how he should breathe. He tried his best to copy them, and eventually his flames died down and disappeared from his body. He then collapsed on the ground. The fire in the woods still spreading behind them. Keiko rushed towards Touya.

There was a burn covering his torso under his pectorals. Another two covering parts of his arms. A rather large one going from his neck towards his face, one being from the tear glands burning up. Crimson blood was seeping out of his skin from multiple places.

"Touya, we have to go! Come on, it's dangerous! I'll help you!" Keiko helped him stand up, being careful of his burned, sore skin. She tried to walk as fast as they could out of the burning park and searched for a place for Touya to rest. After walking for 10 minutes, they found an empty alleyway.

Slouching him next to a dumpster, she carefully began examining his wounds. She may only be 4, almost 5, years old but she was the one that cared for Touya's wounds for him after training. She studied the chemical formulas for different medical supplies she needed and conjured them to clean his wounds ever since she learned how her quirk kind of works. Things like:

C3H8O – Rubbing alcohol

C16H13NO3 – Aloe Vera Gel

C10H8O4 – Gauze pads

When she looked at him in a panic.

𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 & 𝙁𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 - 𝙈𝙃𝘼/ 𝘽𝙉𝙃𝘼Where stories live. Discover now