Chapter 10- Armed and Ready

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Y/n pov

It was early in the morning, the sun was shining through the blinds straight into your face making you let out a groan and roll over to hide away from the giant alarm clock. As you rolled over you were met face-first with what felt like the softest ball of yarn ever. You would say it felt relaxing but you would just be lying to yourself, especially with the fact that every time you inhaled with your nose you felt strands tickle your nose. Wanting this short moment of nose tickling to end, You slowly sat up and let out an exhausted yawn, feeling every bone of your body pop.

Y/n: I swear, my body is going to be aching for these next few days because of all the training.

You glance over at the giant ball you felt against your face earlier and smile at the sight of the blonde hair beauty sleeping peacefully. You feel like this might be the first time the two of you have had a night together where neither one of you woke up the other person with their nightmares. You reached over and gently stroke Yang's cheek as you watched her sleep for a moment. The last few days the two of you have been working extra hard to get back into shape and to get used to your new limbs. Tai had been making sure the two of you were always been giving it your everything, be that by randomly wanting to spar with either one of you alone or having the two of you go against him. 

Y/n: Here we are, two people with three limbs and a prosthetic each. It's like we are the budget version of a Robocop that could only afford one limb to be robotic.

You lean in close and place a soft kiss on Yang's cheek before standing up and getting yourself dressed. Once you finally finished getting dressed, you hear a soft groan come from Yang followed by the sound of the bed covers shuffling. Glancing over you see a sleepy Yang sitting up in bed, her hair looking all fluffy and messy since it's not in a tail.

Yang: (yawns) Not planning to slip away again, are you hot stuff?

Y/n: Of course not, I was just planning to make some breakfast while letting you sleep some more. 

You walk over and crouch down in front of Yang, your eyes connecting instantly with her hypnotizing lilac eyes. 

Yang: Good, because you know I wouldn't hold back from giving you a knuckle sandwich now that I have both my fists again.

Y/n: Yeah but I would be able to more easily escape you now that I have both my legs again.

Yang: (Giggles) We're on an island, how would you be able to escape?

Y/n: I'll just run across the sea, I'm sure if I pick up enough speed beforehand that I can easily do that.

Yang giggles loudly at your silliness before smiling warmly. You slowly lean in and pressed your lips gently against hers, an action which she happily returns while wrapping her arms around your neck.

Y/n: You know, I never thought I would say this. But I actually dig the metal arm.

Yang: You like it? It stands out quite a lot, being all shiny white and all.

Y/n: Nothing a little paint could fix.

You slowly lift Yang in your arms and stand up, causing her to giggle as you spin her around in your arms before setting her back down gently. You stare deeply into each other's eyes before breaking apart the embrace.

Yang: I love you.

Y/n: And I love you.

Yang: Remember, I love my eggs medium, so don't overcook the eggs again.

Y/n: Oh come on, that was one time!

Yang: Yeah, and it was disgusting.

Y/n: This isn't a five-star Michelin restaurant, this is cooking from your tiny kitchen.

Let's just live- Male reader x Yang Xiao Long (Vol. 4) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now