Chapter 6- Sunrise

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Y/n pov

It was dark, not a single flicker of light could be seen no matter where you looked. But there was one weird thing, you weren't afraid of the darkness, not one bit. It almost felt comforting in a way, like the feeling of a mother hugging their child.

Y/n: so warm...

You felt the warmth radiate throughout your body, the last time you left something like this was after the Mountain Glenn incident, but this time you almost don't want to leave this space of emptiness.

Y/n: Is this where I belong? In the vast emptiness?

But suddenly, the warmth going through your body starts changing, going from a soothing heat to one of discomfort and pain. Your eyes darted around as you tried to find where the origin of the pain was coming from before your eyes suddenly stopped at your right leg. Your eyes widened as your stump started glowing brightly.

You let out a gasp as a sudden strike of pain shot across your body, you felt your heartbeat start racing as the pain became more and more unbearable.

Y/n: (panicking) I don't want this, stop this pain! Stop this pain! Please!!

As you tried to move your body in hopes of stopping the pain, you heard the sound of something speaking out, but the voice sounded muffled and far away. Your eyes dart around to find the source of the voice, soon noticing a small flicker of light in the distance.

??: (Muffled) Y/n...

You squint your eyes as you stare at the light, letting out another cry of pain as the searing pain starts becoming unbearable. Looking back at the light you reach your arm out to whatever is calling out to you.

Y/n: Please... Stop the pain...

The light flickers lightly before slowly expanding, soon forming into a silhouette of a person.

??: Don't give up, Y/n. Fight...

You keep your arm stretched out as the silhouette becomes clearer, the long F/c coloured hair flowing behind the figure as they stretch their arms out, almost like they are inviting you for an embrace. You fight against the pain as you slowly turn over and get up on your hand and knee, tears streaming down your face as you stare at the figure.

Y/n: Mom!!

??: You're strong, Y/n. Don't let the darkness consume you.

Suddenly, a swirl of dark tendrils starts surrounding the figure, slowly wrapping around them tightly.

Dark voice: Do not try to interrupt the creation of my masterpiece!!

The figure struggles against the dark tendrils as they tightly squeeze down on them. You attempt to move forward to help, but your body refuses to me.

??: You're the son of two heroes, Y/n. Keep fighting!

You grit your teeth as you stared at your arms, using all your strength to make them move.

Dark voice: Don't listen to that thing, embrace the darkness inside you! You were born from it, moulded by it!!

Y/n: Shut up!

You lift your head up and stare at the figure of light in front of you, focusing on the black tendrils wrapped around them.

Y/n: This body is mine... I'm not letting you take it! (your hand slowly starts making a fist) I'm Y/n, and you are just a nobody!

You felt your body slowly start being able to move again, almost like the dark voice is losing control of you.

Y/n: (looking at the figure of light) Mom! I will never lose again! I am myself, no one else!

Let's just live- Male reader x Yang Xiao Long (Vol. 4) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now