Chapter 9- Life on the line

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Sapphire pov

Ruby: Just hold on, Uncle Qrow.

Olivia: Come on, everyone. We have no time to waste

You pant heavily as You, Ruby, Jaune and Olivia carry Qrow on a very half-assed makeshift stretcher. You look ahead and watch Ren lead you along the patch while Nora is in the back on guard in case any Grimm decided it was snack time. Qrow grips the side of the stretcher as he starts coughing and groaning in pain. 

Qrow: (Delirious) Tai. She's not... coming.... (groans in pain) Tai.

You reach up with your free hand and place two fingers against the side of his neck to feel his pulse. You could feel it still beating at a good and steady rhythm, but it feels weaker compared to half an hour ago. 

Sapphire: (Looks over at Ruby) Ruby...

Jaune: He's getting worse. 

Ruby: (grits her teeth) How much farther?

Nora: We've gotta be close by now. 

Ren: (sighs) Without a map, there's no way of knowing. But I feel like we're close to something. 

You keep making your way down the path while making sure to often check on Qrow, using a clean piece of cloth to wipe away any purple goo from his mouth that he might cough up. Suddenly, you notice Ren come to a stop and holster his weapons. 

Ruby: (confused) What is it?

Looking ahead you see you've come to a fork in the road with a signpost posted between the paths. The arrow pointing in the direction you're coming from reads "Higanbana" and "Kuchinashi" while another arrow pointing to the path to the right reads "Mistral". Looking down the right path you notice it's very mountainous and risky looking, especially while carrying Qrow along with us. You then notice another arrow pointing to the left reading "Kuroyuri" but the name is for some reason crossed out. Compared to the path leading directly to Mistral, the path to Kuroyuri is more low ground similar to the road you just were on.

Nora: (Excited) Hey, hey! Mistral! We're on the right path! (glances over at the left arrow) Oh...

Ruby: Does it say how close!?

Ren: No. and it looks like the path takes us up the mountains. 

You, Olivia, Jaune and Ruby look at each other as you set Qrow down on the ground.

Jaune: (Concerned) Guys, I don't know if all of us can make that climb.

Sapphire: He's right, plus we don't know how rough the terrain might be up ahead. It would be too great of a risk.

While everyone starts to discuss the plan ahead, you crouch down next to Qrow and gently unbind the bandages wrapped around his wound. Raising his shirt you stare in concern as the area around the wound has gotten way more purple-like, with the blood veins around the wound being visible with a purple tint to them. Glancing up at Ruby you see a look of concern on her face, which she quickly tries to hide when she notices you looking at her. Turning around she quickly rushes over to the signpost while you get to work on replacing the bandages around Qrow's wound with a new fresh roll from your backpack.

Ruby: Okay. Well, what about this place (points at the left arrow) Kuro... Kuroyuri? Can we get help there?

Jaune moves over next to Ruby while Olivia stands guard. 

Ren: (lowers his head) That village was destroyed years ago.

Jaune: But if it takes us around the mountains, it's the best bet we've got. 

Let's just live- Male reader x Yang Xiao Long (Vol. 4) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now