Chapter 2- Calm fields

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Y/n pov

You pant heavily as you slowly work through the field, it's abit difficult using a scythe while trying to not fall over but you never give up going. You never really imagined that you would work in the fields, but it's the least you could do since Mr and Mrs Evergleam have been taking care of you these past few months. You would spend most of your free time when your not working either going to see Yang or just go to the coast line, watch the wave crash against the Cliffside. It's peaceful, but looking at the sea also makes you feel bad for not going with Ruby and the others. It's something you've felt for almost 3 months.

Y/n: (sigh) I never would've thought clearing a field would take so long.... almost of a month of work everyday and I've only gotten one out of four fields cleared...(glancing down your missing leg) though I think i know why that is.

As you go to continue working you hear someone whistle behind you. Turning around you spot Tai standing at the end of the field, waving to get your attention.

Y/n: (thoughts) Tai? What's he doing here so early?

Curious what this sudden visit is about you put down the scythe and make your way over to him. He smiled warmly at you as you approach.

Tai: Good morning, Y/n.

Y/n: what's with the sudden visit? I thought you would be at work by now.

Tai: I took the day off. You mind coming with me for a sec?

Y/n: (curious) why? Has something happened?

Your eyes slowly travel down and notice that he's carrying three boxes, two small normal looking boxes and one lone white box under one arm while two bags are hanging from his other forearm.

Tai: Well, let's just say something for Yang just arrived and I wanted you to be there for her as she opens it.

You slowly looked up at Tai and narrowed your eyes, checking if he's telling the truth or if he was just planning some stupid joke, but you soon realize that he was clearly serious.

Y/n: (running yoir fingers though your hair) Alright, i'll follow along.

Tai smiled softly and nodded before turning around and heading up the path, with you following close behind him.

Tai: To think that it's been almost half a year since what the incident at Beacon, time goes by fast.

Y/n: Yeah... but not as fast for some of us.

Tai: (glances over at you with a concered look) still having your nightmares?

Y/n: (nods) same one every night.

Tai nods slowly as he turns away from you, clearly not sure what to say to comfort you. You know that he clearly knows the pain of losing people, knowing it much more then you since he had felt that pain twice. One being Yang's mom, and the other being Summer Rose.

The walk to their residence stayed quiet until you reached the house. Tai wad the first to enter, trying his best to put on a cheerful mood.

Tai: I'm home! And I have a guest with me!

Stepping inside you spot Yang sitting on the sofa in the living room. Looking over age tries to give you a warm smile as she sees you.

Yang: Hey, Y/n.

Y/n: (tries to return the smile) Hey, sunshine.

She slowly moves over on the couch and pats next to her, clearly wanting you to sit with her. Making your way over you sit down next to her, laying your crutch on the floor infront of you.

Let's just live- Male reader x Yang Xiao Long (Vol. 4) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now