Slowly, I spun around to come face to face with Harold. He was bent down to his knees. His hands rested on his knees. He was panting hard as though he was running to reach me. He was a meter and half away from me.

"Stop!!" He said and stood straight as I could see his face clearly.

He was in his sweats, his hair was disheveled and face, tired.

"Harold.." I whispered in disbelief.

"Why?" He asked and took a step forward.
"Why do you wanna leave me so bad?" He panted, taking another step forward.

I was paralyzed in my spot, but regaining myself quickly, I held my palm out, stopping him in his tracks.

"I've typed everything in that message." I said as I exhaled.

"That you're guilty for hurting me?" He asked as his eyes turned red with tears welling up.

My tears were already rolling down my cheeks, and it was getting harder for me to speak. I wiped my tears and looked away from him.

"Answer me, Naomi!!" His voice broke.
"Wouldn't you be more guilty for leaving me again?" He asked as he took another step forward.
"The day, two years ago, you didn't break me apart by leaving me. I knew you didn't mean any of those words,  I knew the words coming out of your mouth were not coming from your heart, I knew I should let you go because you needed time to heal from the loss, I knew.." he panted with his chest heaving.
"But if you leave me again, I'll be shattered completely. I will not be able to pick myself up again... I'll die out of loneliness... please don't leave me." He cried.

I can't see him like this, but I can't stay either.

He took a step forward again,
"You deserve someone more...-" I was cut off.

"I deserve you, not anyone else." He said with a tear rolling down his cheeks.
"No one!!" He whispered as I took a step back.

"Harold... please." I whispered back.
"Don't make it difficult for me..." I was cut off again.

"You're not leaving me because of your guilt. You're leaving me because of your fear. The fear of losing someone again. The fear of facing all the challenges. The fear of hurting me. You want to leave Hawaii because of all those traumatic events that happened. If you want to leave Hawaii, you can leave.." he paused and then continued.
".. but not alone.. I'll come with you.. wherever you go..-" I cut him off immediately.

"You can not leave Hawaii!!!" I snapped, wiping my tears.
"You have a committee to look after, and...-" I was cut off by him.

"To hell with the committee!!" He snapped back.

"Nadia's grave is here... you can not leave everything and come behind me." I said softly.

"Then you stay here with me!!" He whispered pleadingly as he took another step forward.

"I'm sorry!!" I said and spun around before clutching the trolleys handle.

I was about to drag it when he yelled.
"You're making me stay here because Nadia's grave is here. Don't you have any responsibilities towards her?" He questioned as I halted in my tracks.
"Nadia never liked us fighting. She always wanted us to be together and happy." He said as tears again welled up in my eyes.
"Don't let your fear overpower you. Nothing's going to happen to us again, I promise." He yelled.
"Life is all about challenges. All we have to do is face it instead of running away from it." I could hear his footsteps approaching me.
"I'll not let you leave me again.. if you love me, then stay or else I'll come with you." He said as I could feel him just behind me.

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