6.9K 196 28

So it was the day of my another trip to Molokai with Harold and Dylan. I was standing near the main door waiting for Harold to come out of his room. I checked the time on my watch and it was 6:50 am.

Ten more minutes to go..

This time, I will not allow that Harold snooty Kingston to lecture me or insult me. It hurts my pride plus my self respect.

And this time I want to enjoy my trip without being stuck with him anywhere. I hope this time I get stuck somewhere with Dylan.

A creepy smile formed on my lips as I thought about Dylan.

Oh Dylan!! You are making my heart go crazy..

Suddenly I saw Harold walking out of his room in his black suit looking fresh as ever. Wow!! He looks hot in black but Dylan is more hotter than him.


I twitched my lips at both the corner of my lips.

Egoistic jerk narc..

He stopped in front of the staircase and looked upto it before pulling his phone out. He pressed something on his phone before placing it onto his ear.

So he's giving me that morning annoying call.

Damn him.

But my phone wasn't ringing. Surely he's calling that stupid telephone. He stood there and dialed again. I didn't want to call him, so I tiptoed towards the dining area and pulled a chair as a screeching sound erupted from the wooden legs of the chair as it brushed against the marbled brown floor.

He abruptly turned around and saw me.
"So your already up?" He asked but I ignored him and looked away.

He muttered something under his breath and walked forward as I followed him behind. We exited the house and walked past the bridge as I saw three black sleek cars parked out there.

The front and the back car was packed with the bodyguards and the middle car was empty with just a chauffeur inside. We walked upto the middle car as the chauffeur immediately got out and opened the backseat door for his so called king.

I opened the passenger door for myself and sat inside making myself comfortable. The car soon pulled out the property.

Soon the car pulled in towards the JKF airport as we got out of the car and to mention all the bodyguards were surrounding us.

"King!!" Dylan called as we reached inside the airport and from there he joined us.

Some men from the airport guided us towards the Harold's private jet. It was a huge white colour jet with black strips aside of it. Harold was the first one to enter followed by Dylan, me and all the bodyguards.

Harold took a seat at the front while I took a seat at the back. Dylan walked towards me and sat across me.

I smiled... correction...grinned.

"Molokai is 40 minutes away from here by jet and I assure you Molokai is a very beautiful island. You'll feel delighted over there." He smiled.

Just your presence is enough to delight me, my dear.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Well I have some presentations to look after, I'll see you in a while." He said and stood up before walking towards Harold.

I took my phone out and went through my social media for time pass.

40 minutes later:

The plane landed and all of us got out and again there were five black cars parked. Harold, Dylan and I took the middle car while the rest of the bodyguards took the other car.

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