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We were inside his car and I was busy gazing down at my lap specifically on the expensive wine bottle which was gifted to every couple by the ball organizers. I wonder how much the entry ticket might have been costed.

I mean who freaking gives such a expensive wine bottle to every couple..

I fixed my gaze towards Harold, who was driving with his eyes fixed on the windscreen, he's been acting strange tonight and now also his jaws were clenched and he was clutching the steering wheel tightly.

Evening he was all fine and he was also looking gorgeous in his black tuxedo. Suddenly after entering the masquerade ball, his demeanor changed, he was kind of angry. Maybe something in his past came striking on him. Maybe!!

Well, the masquerade ball was fun because of Jonah, the blonde guy who asked me for a dance. He was actually a good guy plus a gay. He just asked me for a dance because he had to complete his dare given by his friends.

He was talking so much about his life and about his partner but I had to excuse him because I wanted to check on Harold, he was no where in sight back there and while searching for him, my bracelet fell off my wrist. Then I found him inside the balcony and the rest story everyone knows.

This jerk threw my bracelet into the garden and left me but thanks to Gwen and Dylan, who helped me to search me my bracelet and it took us around twenty minutes to search for it and that's when Gwen finally found it. And after that Harold was back again in the garden and now his face is still grumpyly handsome.

"Staring at a person for too long is not a good manner, Miss Nolan."

I rolled my eyes at his manner statement,
"Yeah...yeah.... manners." I muttered under my breath.
"Well, why are you angry by the way." I asked.

"I am not angry." He stated with his eyes on the windscreen.

"Really??! But your expression tells me otherwise." I scrutinized him again properly.
"Did I do something which angered you??" I asked and he shook his head in no.
"Then what's the matter?!"

"It's nothing." He replied.

I sighed,
"Anyways, look at the wine bottle that we got as a gift." I smiled.

He turned his head a little and saw the bottle before giving me a subtle curt nod.

Why is his mood so sour??!

What have I done?

The car came to a stop as we reached his house. He got down and I followed him from behind. We entered the house and he was still not talking to me properly.

He walked inside, towards the lounge and sat on one of the couch.

How to light his mood up?!

Maybe a dance would help!

I walked inside the lounge and moved towards the music box, I played a soft music and I could feel Harold's eyes on me. I spun around and immediately he looked down on the floor. I smiled and walked towards him before kneeling down.

CEO or MAFIA ? Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant