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My body is getting fragile due to no exercises or work out or any form of work, the only thing I do in this house is eat, sleep and poop. This has been my daily routine, so today I thought of doing some excercise.

You can do it Naomi, come on..

I plugged my earphones into my phone before tossing my phone into my shorts pocket. I pushed the ear plugs into my ears and scurried out of my room. I made my way towards the lounge.

It's a perfect place to exercise.

King wasn't here and today also he called me downstairs early in the morning to have breakfast.

I don't know why he calls me downstairs to have breakfast with him??

As I reached the lounge, I pulled the white curtains away from huge glass wall inviting the beautiful view of the pond and the garden.

I'm ready..

With the cheap thrill song on, I started my exercise which I learnt a month ago. I raised my both arms up and bent down to touch my feet, I did that ten times, next was plank followed by jumping jack. I did a variety of exercises and finally one was remaining in which I had to place my leg on a table angled in 90 degree. I glanced at the coffee table which was too short.


I looked around the lounge and found a medium sized wooden cupboard and on top it of was some antic pieces.

I walked towards the cupboard and placed all these golden pieces at the sides before lifting my leg up the cupboard. I leaned my body towards the leg, to touch my feet. When I finished doing it, I cautiously tried to put my feet down but in process, my feet touched one of the antic piece. Along with my leg, the antic piece fell down on the wooden floor.

I gasped as I saw it breaking in two pieces. It was a golden colour boat along with a golden ball on top of it. And when it fell, the ball and the boat separated.

Oh my me!!

I abruptly bent down and picked the two pieces down the floor. It looked expensive. I tried to attach it but miserably failed.

Ughh!! Who keeps such rubbish things inside their house.

Stupid Kingston..

Calm down, you can handle it.

I'll try to attach it with the glue, yeah I can attach it with the glue.

I kept the pieces on the armchair which was beside the cupboard and hurriedly sprinted towards the kitchen. I opened the cabinets one by one before pushing my hands inside, in search of a glue.

Please.... please let the glue be in here somewhere.

Open and closed, open and closed, open and closed, open and finally I found a bottle of glue. It was a blue colour bottle of glue.

I sighed in relief.

Thank God!!

I walked back towards the lounge and kneeled down in front of the armchair.

I was opening the top of the bottle, when I read this.

It can also stick your palms together, be careful and keep it out of children's reach.

Oh!! It's very effective..

Good good..

I took the brush out which was full of glue and kept the bottle on the armchair before taking the golden boat and ball. Cautiously, I applied it on the broken side and then attached it. I blew some air to the antic, I stood up and while standing up, the glue bottle fell on the seat of the armchair, spilling the liquid on the seat and again a horrified gasp escaped my lips.

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