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One week and four days.....

One week and four days are remaining, after this, my stay here ends. It completes the one month of me staying here. And within these days I have a very important thing to do and that is, confess my feelings to Dylan.

Before leaving Hawaii, I want him to know about my love towards him. If he feels the same about me, I'll be the happiest woman in this world and if not, I'll swallow the pain and leave Hawaii.

I hope he feels the same towards me..

I sighed.

I don't know when and where to confess my feelings to him. Surely not infront of Harold, Somewhere out, it should be only me and Dylan.

Maybe I should ask Dylan to take me out one day and there I'll do my love confession.

I crossed my fingers and clenched my eyes shut in anxiety.

I hope he loves me too..

I opened my eyes and took a deep breath. I am an optimist, think positive and be positive. Everything's gonna be alright.


I sauntered out of my room before descending downstairs. I was about to enter the kitchen, when I saw Dylan and Harold inside the lounge.

Feeling ecstatic on seeing Dylan, I marched towards the lounge and stopped right infront of it's entrance.

".....I'm so excited as well as nervous." Dylan beamed in delight.

"Don't worry, Everything's gonna be fine." Harold, whose back was facing me responded.

"Naomi!!!" Dylan exclaimed still with a beamed face as his gaze fell on me.

"Hi." I flashed a smile.

"Even you're invited and please do come to my.." He was cut short as Harold interrupted.

"You're getting late Dylan, I'll tell her." Dylan nodded and again turned to me.

"See you soon." With that he walked out of the lounge and also exited the house.

"What was he inviting me for?" With a creased forehead, I asked.

In return, Harold smirked not a decent one, it was a mischievous one.
"He's throwing a party tonight and you're invited for the party. "


Maybe tonight is the right time to confess..

"Why is he throwing a party?" I asked.

He shrugged,
"Just a get together."

"Okayyy...." I faltered as I pondered in some thoughts on how to tell him my feelings.

"Sharp at seven pm, get ready. " He said in a pointed tone as I nodded.

Tonight is gonna be a memorable day..

Wish me luck..


Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up.....

I checked the time on the wall clock of my bedroom, only five more minutes were remaining for seven. In haste, I applied a light makeup and pulled my hair up in a messy bun. I wasted a lot of time in selecting a dress. I don't have an appropriate dress for a party. All I have was jeans, shorts, crop tops, shirts, pencil cut skirts and my sleep wears.

Finally, with great difficulty, I matched a soft pink color chiffon long sleeved top with my jeans before wearing it. Exactly at seven, the stupid telephone rang loudly.

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