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I don't know but the whole day I've been smiling widely like a evil creep but can't help, I'm so enthusiastic today.

This morning I knew I didn't wanna get out of this place specially I didn't wanna leave Harold. The day I got to know about Harold's girl saving mission and about drugfree society thing, I was kinda like attracted to him but I kept it to myself just because I didn't wanna face embarrassment and heartbreak again for the fourth time.

So, when I left the house, I just don't know what happened. My mind was telling me to get back to New York but my heart was telling me to stay. Finally I gave it up to my heart and thought of creating an excuse of not feeling well, so that I can stay a little more but when I reached here I heard Harold confessing his feeling towards me to Dylan. I was obviously on the ninth cloud and feeling ecstatic I kissed without thinking twice.

I fall in love very easily and even shatter my heart very easily too. But I have this feeling that with Harold it will be different unlike others. The way he confessed infront of Dylan with such a beautiful emotion, it just touched my heart and Harold is a man of words so I just wanted to give it a try.

I hope it's a righteous decision of mine.

"What are you smiling at?!?" Harold asked as he entered the lounge with two cups of coffee.

I shook my head and chuckled.
"Why are you still crimson red?" I asked.

"Am I?!" He wrinkled his nose.

I nodded.

He came and sat beside me before passing me a cup of coffee.
"I really don't want to see you in any kind of danger so.." I rolled my eyes because it was the 25th time that he was telling me the same sentence.

"Harold!! Do you like or love me?" I asked.

His face showed different shades of crimson as he blinked.

"Huh?? Like or love?"

"Love." He whispered quietly.

"Are you sure?"

He nodded in determination.

"Then even I'm sure that you'll not put me in danger and if I am in danger I know you'll always be there to protect me. So don't worry, let's enjoy what we have and just give it a chance." I placed my hand on his as he nodded with a smile.

My eyes shifted to his lips as I leaned forward and he did too but something else disturbed us..

"Tring!! Tring!! Tring!!"

We both jolted back as Harold took his phone out.

Everytime his insignificant phone won't be with him while today he has it inside his pocket.


"Hello?" He answered.
"Yeah!! I have it." He replied to someone.
"I'll get it." With that he disconnected the call

"What happened?"

"Um.. I have to leave now."

"To where?" I asked.

"To office, there's an emergency work pending."


Suddenly he pecked my lips and got up.
"See you soon." He smiled and walked towards the door.


I was pacing back and forth inside the dining area, I glanced at the walk clock and it was half past nine at night.

Harold always returns before eight.

I have prepared dinner and I was waiting for him impatiently. Some kind of a bad feeling was stirring inside me.

Should I give him a call??

I took my phone and searched for his contact but suddenly the door clicked and opened revealing Harold totally fit and fine.

"Where were you?" I asked while marching towards him.

"The meeting lasted more than I thought it to be."

"You're okay, right?"

"Yeah." He smiled.

We both walked towards the dining area, he pulled a chair for me as I raised a brow in a playful manner and sat down.
"Becoming a gentleman?" I muttered.

"I am always a gentleman." He whispered in my ear.

I scoffed in return as he chuckled and sat down beside me.

We started having our dinner and we talked like a lot about our favorite things and places. And all other things.

H     A     R     O     L     D

Dinner was done as we together were washing dishes and cleaning our home. After the chores we were walking along the corridor when she suddenly took a right and climbed the first stairs.

"Where are you going??" I asked with a furrowed brows.

She spun around,
"To my room?" She passed it as a question.

Can't we sleep in a same room now??

Abruptly I felt heat crawling up my neck as Miss Nolan smirked mischievously.
"As we are kinda like an official couple, so you want us to sleep in a same room?" She wiggled her brows in amusement.

As I shyly nodded.

Wait!! Why am I shy?

"Come on Harold, how can I say no to you?" She came down and wrapped her one arm around my torso and together we walked along our room.

We freshed up and got inside our bed. We were sleeping close to each other.

Having someone in life is the best thing to be considered.

One hour later:

I was stiffly lying straightly on my bed with a hand around my shoulder and a leg wrapped around my thighs and her mouth was close to my ear. Her soft snores were tickling my ears.

I couldn't move nor could I shake.

I am so not used to this touchy sleep.

But now I should get used to it.

Because I consider Miss Nolan to be my everything.


How was the double update??

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