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"If you want to assist me then I suggest you try and keep Inuyasha inside of the castle when the time comes and Naraku appears. If you truly wish to aid me, then that is how" Sesshomaru said sternly. Kazunari grimaced but nodded his head stood up and bowed, turned and left leaving me alone in his study.

There were days that he felt the weight of being Lord heavy on his shoulders, today was one of those days. Did Inuyasha not realize just how much she means to him? Didn't Kazunari understand that his parents were two of his most loyal advisories and that Sesshomaru was honor bound to keep him safe? Growling he decided to deal with Inuyasha first

Opening the door to her chambers. He looked around until he noticed the door to her bathroom was slightly ajar and he could hear her slashing in the water. Inhaling her sweet scent, he moved to open the door to where she was currently bathing.

She must have felt him because she yelped and ducked further into the water sending him death glares.

"I'm still annoyed at you Sessh" she said, her eyes widen when he moved into the room and shut the door behind, making sure she saw him lock it.

"Wha…what are you doing?" she asked moving to the far end of the huge tub on the floor. It was one of his ideas of designing some of the chambers with adjoining bathrooms with huge sunken tubs that were warmed by the hot coals from the kitchens down below. The engineering of the whole system was advanced for this time but he was nothing short of brilliant of course.

Sesshomaru proceeded to take off his armor, making her eyes almost pop out of her head, if it wasn't for the fact he was a bit irritated at her for acting like a little hellion in front of another male it would have been extremely funny, but he was upset and so he decided to taunt her a bit.

"I don't know what you're so embarrassed about koneko, it's not like I haven't seen all of you already" Sesshomaru said making her sputter a bit, her face bright red as he took off his Kimono revealing his bare chest to her.

"Now I know you're not thinking of getting into this tub with me" she said, her normal husky voice high pitched in panic when the dominant male started to undo the sashes to his pants. Sesshomaru gave her a very hungry look that made her swallow then pale a bit.

He stopped then walked over to where she was, she sunk even lower in the water.

"Why not?" he taunted, walking closer to the water "We are mates and this is the perfect opportunity for me to…how do you say it? make it up to you?" he said with a smirk as he watch her expression go from horrified and guilty within seconds.

He didn't give her a chance to recover as he slid into the water with her making her squeak and tried to get out of the tub. Sesshomaru moved before she could and plastered her body to his, growling low in his chest because he felt all that pale creamy wet skin of hers against him.

He scraped his fangs on her shoulder making her head fall back as she leaned into him.

"I'm not going to do anything you little minx, but I will remind you that you interrupted my meeting rather rudelly and disrespected me in front of a stranger" Sesshomaru said

"Thank you..and I'm sorry but it's just-" he could tell whatever she wanted to say to him was a but difficult for her. So he nuzzled her cheek to reassure her.

"I feel so comfortable being with you, Kagome was overreacting that I automatically thought to go to you" she revealed. 

He chucked a bit, Inuyasha's instincts to run to her mate were very strong and it pleased him that she listened to them and no longer fought them.

"Next time I have company in my study please reframe from just barging in there….people will start thinking that I'm running a zoo" he said leaning down to kiss her shoulder, neck and face enjoying the little shiver that ran down her body and the way her little hands stroked my forearms.

"Okay" she breathed just before he kissed those full lips of hers.

Immediately the kissed turned deep, demanding and the fact that they were both almost completely naked made the both of them a little breathless. He moved so that she was plastered to the edge as he took possession of her mouth, hands on either side of her face holding her to  while hers were on his back, her claws scraping at Sesshomaru's skin as she made little mewling noises as they desperately clung to each other.

Sesshomaru sucked on her lower lip then moved to her jaw line nipping and kissing her skin making her tilt her head as she held on to him.

"Ooooh Sessh you're so bad" she said with a small laugh but did nothing to pry herself.

"How so?"

"You acted like a barbarian just because I smiled at another male, I'm supposed to be angry at you not….doing this" she said then gasped when he took of one of her legs and hitched out his hip, rubbing and kneading her bottom making her almost purr.

"You were saying?" he asked before he licked her bottom lip slowly, she whimpered a little.

He could smell her arousal, it was now tantalizing his senses "You should know better than anyone else how possessive and zealous inuyoukai are of their mates….I am no different. I don't like to share…not even your smiles because they are mine alone" The dominant male  murmured against the base of her throat, hands caressing her skin making her close her eyes and sigh in pleasure

"Gods..I can't stop tasting your skin" Sesshomaru whispered, feeling his control slipping as he took ownership of her mouth again. The hot water was surrounding both of them, her sweet arousal in the steamed room and her body soft and molded into his was driving him into a lustful stupor.

He wanted all of her, wanted everything….her heart, her skin, her smiles, and her lips,  wanted to drive into her softy body, lose himself in her scent and heat.

He wanted long nights with his mate as he made love to her

The One Destined For Me(InuSessh) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα