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3 months later

Inuyasha looked around the corner and saw that the coast was clear. Walking a bit faster she sneaked into the maid service door and down the stairs....careful not to trip, she breathed out when she landed on the ground floor.

She was fed up.

She needed some fresh air and some space...away from Sesshomaru's constant watch.

Thank the gods that his attention was needed to the east of the western lands. It allowed her to make a break for it, getting around the guards took some strategy with Kagome, Sango and Shippo but she finally managed to get out and as she opened the service door that lead to the gardens she all but bolted out.

Inuyasha ran to the far end of the gardens where a fish pond was nested and the shade of the trees added privacy. She sat down and almost rolled around on the grass and sighed in pleasure.

"Grass! Trees!" She said giddily as she lay down and waited for her accomplices.


She looked over to see them making their way with a basket full of food, even Rin was with them.

"Oooo...snacks!" Inuyadha said as Kagome pulled out some of her dried potatoes from her era "Oh come to mama" the hanyou said as she took a bite of pure heavenly fired goodness and munched happily.

"When is Sesshomaru coming home?" asked Sango as she took out some rice and chicken and began eating.

"I don't know but at this rate...I'm hoping he stays away or a bit longer. I'm getting cabin fever in that room" Inuyasha said as she inhaled the scent of the woods and nature "I miss being outside, he only lets me outside for an hour a day...other than that I am required to be in bed"

"Why do you put up with it?" asked Kagome frowning as she heated up some water for some ramen.

"Because he uses his Alpha authority over me to make me 'obey' him...bastard" Inuyasha grumbled. She knew he was only dong his duty as her mate to keep her safe.....but she thinks he's overdoing it a bit. He was already bad enough before she was pregnant... but now?

The hanyou sighed a bit before placing a hand on her stomach. At only three months her belly already had a swell to it, which Sesshomaru loved.

Her body was changing so much that she couldn't keep up. She was always nauseated, her breasts were swollen and tender, her emotions were all over the place and the cravings!

Dear gods...the cravings.

Two nights ago Inuyasha woke up in the middle of the night with a stomach growling, demanding some pan fired noodles with lots of green onions in it. She shook Sesshomaru awake and demanded that he get someone from the kitchens to bring her something to eat. He yawned, his eyes where groggy with sleep before he looked at her like she had lost her mind, but did what she asked anyways, she knew he wouldn't say no to a request for food for his pup. Not that it did her any good. She ended up heaving it up an hour after eating them.

And that went back to her problem at hand with Sesshomaru. Everything she ate ended up coming back up, everything. She lost some weight and so he 'demanded' she stay in bed. No matter how many times she told him that she was fine, he wouldn't listen, he would snarl and flare out his youkai making her stay still and unmoving while he worked within the confines of the room where he kept watch over her.

She was always sleeping now too, it was irritating. Inuyasha hated lounging around sleeping all day when she could be outside running free, but then at the same time, she was constantly tired as well.

"But Lord Sesshomaru only wants you and the baby to be safe" said Rin taking a bowl of ramen from Kagome "I don't want you to be hurt either.....you're my new mama" she said shyly.

The One Destined For Me(InuSessh) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя