Shark Tunnel Kisses - NR

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"Wanna go?" You asked, nearly holding your breath as you waited for her response.

"To... an aquarium?" Natasha asked.

"Yeah... with me?" You said, now almost feeling foolish. "I mean.. if you want- I just have these passes and I thought since you haven't- and I could.. well.. okay uhhh forget it," you stumbled.

"Hey hey! Breathe. I'd love to go with you!" Natasha said calmly. She reached across the counter for your hand and as much as you wanted to say it helped, it only made your heart race again more.

"O-Okay," you said, your face softening.


"Okay so the mermaid show is at 12:30 and the penguin parade is at 2 and if we want to see-"

"Whatever you want, milaya. I'll go with you," Natasha said, your face heating up as she looked at you. The two of you wearing nondescript outfits and baseball caps to try and disguise yourselves, blending in with the crowds. Natasha took the map from you and chucked it. "Let's just wing it," she said.

Your eyes bulged out and you felt yourself begin to sweat; always one for having set plans for your days out or even days in. "Isn't it nice to have a plan though?" You asked, your voice more high pitched than normal.

"Sure, but isn't it nice to be carefree sometimes too?" She asked, her green eyes boring into yours.

"I suppose so," you said timidly.

"Hey. We're gonna have the best time, okay?" Natasha asked, grabbing your hand and lacing your fingers with hers. Your heart skipped and you thought you might pass out due to the physical affection. "Let's goooo!!" She whisper yelled, tugging on your hand into the first area of the aquarium.

The two of you had seen just about everything, even petting some horseshoe crabs; before making your way to the shark tunnel to watch the penguin parade for the day. You were very adamant about seeing it so of course Natasha obliged. You watched as Natasha took in the views, surrounded by fish and sharks on all sides was truly remarkable. "Woah," she said, squeezing your hand in excitement. If it was possible, she looked even more beautiful in the glowing blue lights of the tunnel.

"Alright ladies and gents! We give you our very own penguin parade!" The handler announced. Another handler was walking down the tunnel, followed by pairs of penguins waddling together. "A little fun fact about penguins is that they mate for life, so once they've found their partner, they're together forever!"

"Can't wait to have that of my own," Natasha mumbled, watching the penguins waddle together.

"What was that?" You asked, not having heard what she said.

"Nothing. Was just saying how cute they are!" Natasha played off. You squinted but nonetheless you knew better than to question a former Russian spy. You felt her hand reach for yours again, and you accepted it, taking in the moment with a blush as you watched the penguins waddle by. The line of penguins turned at the end of the tunnel and came back around, this time closer to you both. Natasha was in awe of the little birds and you were enamored by her love for them.

"I think they are my favorite," Natasha said, admiring the nearly finished parade.

"Yeah? Well..." It was now or never! "You're my favorite," you said, trying to sound confident but you know it came out as a squeak.

Natasha turned to you and looked into your eyes. "Really?" She asked, her face soft and wondering.

"Y-yes really," you replied.

"I don't think I've been anyone's favorite before..." she said quietly.

"I know for a fact that isn't true. But nonetheless, yes, you're my favorite," you said, more confident than the last time. "I also know you're 'Lena's favorite sister and even though Kate nearly worships Clint, we all know you're her favorite too and-"

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