Taste Of A Poison Paradise - CD ⚠️

Start from the beginning

"I didn't cheat! And Wanda's my best friend. That's IT. She's fucking getting married soon for Christ's sake!" You yelled back.

A tap on your shoulder brought you back to the reality of the bar you were sat at; a tall, muscular blonde asking if the seat next to you was taken. "No, go ahead," you said, gesturing to the seat.

"You come here often?" The woman asked, clearly just being friendly.

"Um.. no... didn't this place just open last week?" You asked, rubbing the back of your neck.

The woman chuckled nervously. "Oh.. yes I suppose you're right," she said, a blush creeping up her neck and to her cheeks. The two of you introduced yourselves and were chatting about favorite drinks and you'd told her your friends abandoned you for the evening to go and dance but it wasn't really your thing.

You couldn't help yourself from imagining Carol in front of you; after all it was your first time out since the two of you had broken up just two weeks ago. The woman had the same shoulder length, straight hair; kind eyes and over all sweet demeanor, just like your Carol. Except, she wasn't your Carol and Carol in fact was no longer yours.

"Excuse me for a moment," you interrupted the woman's story about something she does for work but you needed fresh air. Thankfully the club had a back door to stand by in case anyone wanted a smoke break.

The cool air felt good on your skin; sticky with sweat even though you hadn't even been dancing. You wished you could get over her but she was one of the best things in your life that you ever had.

"Is that right, baby?" A gruff voice came from behind you. You whipped around, ready to defend yourself but were met with your ex girlfriend's eyes, only they did not look so kind.

"C-Carol? What are you doing here?!" You stammered.

"Just making sure my pretty girl doesn't go home with a boring old blonde when she could have me," she said cockily.

"I'm not- she's... I'm not yours anymore Carol!" You argued. She put a finger to your lips as some people stopped to look at the two of you. She didn't want to attract unwanted attention. Carol grabbed your hand and dragged you to the bathroom, but her grip was like iron as you tried to get out of it.

"Carol-" you started, but she reached behind you and locked the door after making sure the two of you were alone.

"Shhh baby it's okay. I'm here now," She cooed, trapping your body against the cold tile wall. You found it hard to look into her eyes but she grabbed your jaw tilted your head up. "The best thing you had in your life, huh?"

"N-no I'm..." you stammered but couldn't form a sentence. You hadn't realized you said it out loud. Carol had an arm on your waist and the other was supporting herself against the wall behind you. She quickly turned her cap backwards and looked at your petite frame beneath her.

"No? That's funny because I swore I just heard you say that exact line? And I know for a fact you haven't stopped thinking about me since you ended things between us. Did I not give my poor baby enough attention? I'm so sorry," Carol chastised, feigning an apologetic pout.

"Carol I have no way to contact you while you're gone for literal months at a time. That's not fair to me!" You said angrily, trying to wriggle away from her hold.

"You know what else isn't fair? I haven't stopped thinking of you either, baby. This gorgeous body, your sensitive neck-" She started, pressing a gentle kiss right beneath your jaw. You couldn't help but gasp. Carol knew you and your body too well.

"S-stop," you whimpered, trying to push her away. But she was always stronger than you. You wanted her but you also didn't.

"I bet if I look, if I even went to touch; that you're so wet already aren't you baby?" Carol rasped in your ear. Your breathing was already picking up but you were trying not to give yourself away. "What's wrong? Flerken got your tongue?" She teased.

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