Chapter 31 - The Truth comes out in the End.

Start from the beginning

"I need to pee." He groaned.


The minute Thanos walked into the apartment he could feel the tension, the heaviness in the air.  Thanos was giving off enough pheromones to make him weak at the knees.  His men were sitting on the couch looking strung out.  The brothers had worked for Thanos for over a year but neither of them could handle him when he was in a foul mood.  When Thanos was in a rage the younger one ended up his punching bag or his toy for the night.  His ear was still bandaged from the last time their master had taken his anger out on him.  

"He's in a bad way.  The longer you were away the worse he got.  When you didn't answer his calls he started drinking."

"That shouldn't be a problem.  It takes a lot to get a Lycan drunk."  Theodore looked at the two guards, they were sweating and twitchy.  He hoped they were exaggerating.

"He's had one bottle after another.  Keeps ringing room service to bring up two or three bottles at a time."  The elder guard got up and stood beside Theodore and spoke to him quietly.  "You know how he gets when he doesn't know where you are."  Was he being reprimanded by a subordinate?  Theodore turned and growled, his own Alpha voice pushing the guard back and down on his knees.

"Don't forget your place and presume to tell me my job."  The guard trembled, he'd overstepped the mark.   Anyone working for Thanos learned quickly about his obsession with Theodore.  It was embarrassing.  He hated the assumptions people made about their relationship.  He did his best to ignore it. Thanos had been like this since he was a child.  It was the reason the Fischers had hired him as his personal guard.  Theodore had hoped he would grow out of it, but he never did.  He was now 19 and still suffocating him with his need for attention.   He was a ball and chain around Theodore's ankle.

"Get out both of you.  I'll take care of him."

Once he heard the door close behind him he stood at the bedroom door and put his forehead against its smooth surface.  He gave himself a few moments to compose himself, he knew exactly what sort of crazy whirlwind he was about to step into.  Theodore opened the door.

"Thanos I'm b...."  Before he could finish what he was going to say Theodore saw Thanos rushing at him.  He grabbed him with both claws from his shoulders and threw him on the floor.  He managed to get in a couple of hard kicks to the stomach before Theodore scrambled to his feet and put up his fists to defend himself.  Ten deep puncture wounds were already starting to bleed through his shirt.

"Thanos.  Calm down.  I've been following leads all day."  Theodore yelled at him as he tried to fend off punches to his face.  Thanos finally stopped, swayed, his eyes slits and unfocused.

"I didn't know where you were."  His words were slurred.  How much had he drunk?  Lycan's had a monumentally high threshold for alcohol.  "You didn't answer my calls."  He sounded exactly the same as he did when he was a kid, a spoilt brat having a tantrum.

Theodore looked around the room and there were empty bottles of scotch and vodka on every surface, the floor, and the bed.  He hadn't seen Thanos in such a bad state for a long time.  He was unbalanced at the best of times but sometimes there was no controlling the rage that was always bubbling up inside him.  At least, this time it was only ruined carpet and broken furniture they had to contend with. 

Thanos finally lurched towards the bed and sat down.  He pushed his long hair off his face.  His stark handsome features were twisted with anger and frustration.  He was flushed and sweating heavily, his claws remained extended and pushed deep into the mattress.

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