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(A/N;I'm so sorry that this is a very short chapter I've been very busy especially b/c school is  coming to an end and I just finished with my Ap final, but i hope you guys enjoy this chapter I promise the next one will be longer! And omg did y'all see the new episode that came out!!!!! AHHH\(//∇//)\)

"Y/n-San please wake up!" A gentle voice spoke out to me..

"We've almost completed making breakfast, so please wake up so you could join us"

I rolled onto my back and slowly opened my eyes only to be meet with soft  gentle purple eyes looking  down at me, she also had a  gentle smile plastered on her  face.

My checks started to heat up , as I rubbed my eyes to see her better.

"Good morning! I've come to tell you that breakfast will be ready shortly, so that you could come join us!" She backed away from you and sat by your side.

"Good morning!" You sat up and looked at her

"Thank you for waking me up, also thank you all so much for your kind hospitality! I'll be out in a few minutes I'll just change! And then I'll catch up to you all for breakfast!" You give her a gentle smile.

She hummed in response, she stood up and walked out the door.

Hina let a faint blush spear on her face.

I watched as she walked away closing the door.

I threw the covers off of me, I got up and organized my futon and  slipped my  slippers and walked over to my backpack,I picked out a  fresh pair of clothes and a towel,I walked over to my personal bathroom inside my room, I slipped off my clothes and stepped into the shower.


"Yeah so basically I traveled here for two days,honestly it wasn't that bad but  I just had to sleep on trees, although I did almost fall off a few times so I ended up having to tie myself onto it!"I shrugged my shoulders and took a bite out of my rice.

The four of them just looked at me with a shocked expression.

"H-how did you not die?did you not Know, It's dangerous to be out alone, Especially at night!" Uzui asks, pointing his chopsticks at you giving you a shocked expression.

After a while of Uzui just staring at you he reverts his gaze onto his food, he grabs  some yakizakana and takes a bite out of it.Meanwhile his wife's eat peacefully and listen intensely to your conversation. (yakizakana is grilled fish! For those of you who didn't know)

"Well when i was out there I didn't see anything out of the ordinary!, besides I have good sensory, so i would've been able to sense if there was danger, but i did take  extra precaution i set up traps so that if anyone tried to come near me it. Would've alerted me!"you shrugged your shoulders,you grabbed some tamagoyaki and shoved it into your mouth.

"Oh- I see"

"But y/n-san how come you didn't stay in a inn?'' Makio asked.

"E-ehhh, well I honestly i didn't think about that, but I  guess that if I did stay at a Inn it would have taken me a little longer to get here." you sweat dropped.

"Oh! That makes sense!"the four say in union

"Nglthat's kinda creepy, it sounds like you guys had it planned out!" You give them a weirded out facial expression.

Hina gives you a gentle smile meanwhile the other three just sit there and chuckle.

You let out a chuckle *this is nice, its been so long since I've been able to have a regular breakfast with other people* you smile to yourself and finish eating your breakfast.


"Give me 1,000 push-ups!"Uzui looks down at you with a serious expression.

You widen your eyes and back away.


"Hahah i was just messing with you, but yeah we should stretch so we don't  damage our muscles." He sits on the ground with his legs criss crossed . You follow in suit. You both start stretching.


"Okay now that your muscles are stretched i want to test your speed & strength also your ninja skills ,so common show me what your made of,I need to know if i should waste my time training you."

"After I know that I will teach you the basics of how the breathing styles work and all the different forms of sound breathing." you both stood up,you placed your shinobi headband onto your forehead and you both got into your fighting positions. Before you were able to react, tengan was already behind you. You dodged just in time only to be met with a kick to the stomach which ended up throwing you onto a wall.

'Oof' you land with a thud,

*what the hell, he's so fast! I literally wasn't able to react*

you quickly recovered from your shock and jumped onto the fence you summoned a ninja scroll and took out a few kunais putting them into your pockets only having one out.

You swiftly brought up the kunai and swiftly blocked one of tengens attacks.

"WOW L/N you were able to block  one of my attacks now that's very flashy of you!"
He speaks out in admiration.

You hummed as a response, you both jumped away from each other. In one swift Motion you were behind Uzui.leaving him in shock.
While he was distracted you got  him into a headlock swiftly kicking the back of his knees which made his body lose balance,you brought all your body weight onto your legs and  flipped him over your head  pinning him onto the ground,you placed his hand behind his back and sat onto of him.

'Oof' was the only thing he.

You got off of him, you stuck out your hand to lend to him, he gladly took it only for you to quickly lose your balance and almost fall on top of him because of the amount of force he used.you regained your balance and used both of your hands.

He looked down at you and  patted your head,he gave you a wide smile before saying, 
"Wow L/N I must say I'm very impressed you were able to act fast and pin me down, I wasn't even able to see that you were behind me! You where so flamboyantly awesome! You know applications to be my fourth wife are open so.... You should apply.'' He jokingly said as he winked at you.

You just rolled your eyes and chuckled as a response. A slight red tint crept onto your checks, although Uzui didn't notice.

"You know you don't have to use my last name right?"

'Yeahhhhh I know." 


Uzui explained all of his breathing styles he uses to you, although you weren't able to use any just yet you weren't even able to hold a sword all you did today was practice endurance and cardio, although by the time the both of you where finished with training you where to tired to eat that you just end up going to bed. And falling into a deep slumber.

Tashiro secrets
Y/n- usually always eats her breakfast alone or something with Naruto

Uzui- was very impressed on how fast you where able to react and you where even able to block his attack!and to topple it all off you pinned him into the ground!

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