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This might be one of my longest chapters yet I hope you guys enjoy! I had so much fun writing this chapter ...also this is longer than any essay I've ever written my English teacher would be so proud of me🤩

"Omg she's so cute ahh!!"the girl with blue eyes squealed

"Be quite suma you're going to wake her up!"the girl with purple eyes spoke.

"You both stop talking so loud!"she hits both of their heads.

"Haha, l/n wake up where here!" Tengen pokes the side of your face.

"Five more minutes naruto...."you say turning your head.

"HEH? WHOS NAruto.. I'm Tengen? Common l/n wake up"he lifts you up from his shoulders.

"Ehhhh okay okay I'm up"you yawn and rub your sleepy eyes.

Once you got placed on the ground you instantly got indulged in a hug.

"WAHH SHES SO CUTE CAN WE KEEP HER ?" The girl with blue eyes shouted.

*huh  who's she...*you open your eyes only to see that your stuck in between her cheats.You close your eyes and blush *o...omg*

"SUMA STOP THAT YOUR MAKING HER UNCOMFORTABLE!" The girl with blond tips shouted.

"Ehhh oMG IM SO SORRY MS .L/N I DIDNT MEAN TO MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE!" She shouts ,She let's go of you and bows down.

Your stuck in a haze,because of waking up so suddenly and the shouting.

"Oo..ooo no it's fine I don't mind! I just kinda got surprised because I woke up so suddenly!
Man I didn't even realize I feel asleep... Also where am I? And who are you guys?" You look around and point at them.

Tengen let's out a laugh "L/n-San your at my estate! And the three girls standing infront of you are my wife's!"

"Ehhh so you weren't lying.... I thought you said that just to boost your ego!pusssh anyways it's nice to meet you three my name is l/n y/n and thank you for letting me stay at your guys estate ," you bow.

"Wow l/n-San, you really are harsh and here I was planning to make you my fourth wife..."he looks at you with a sad expression.


*wtf am I dreaming is this real... OUCH! Yup definitely real! Naruto would be so jealous of me right now.*

"W...W..WHAT ME BE YOUR FOURTH WIFE.....BUT I JUST MEET YOU ...... although I wouldn't mind."you whispered the last part.

*they are all quite attractive so..... wait what am I thinking I'm here on a mission common y/n no time for love!*

Tengen lets out a laugh because he was able to hear the last part and pats your head.

*You slap your hands on your face.Common get your act together y/n!*

"Ehhhh don't do that!"suma runs up to you and hugs you.

"Suma please let go of her!"the girl with yellow tips say with a stern voice.

"Awww common she already said she dosent mind isn't that right l/n-San!"she looks up at you with puppy eyes

"Yeah I'm totally  fine with it! But please call me y/n I don't really like being called by my last name!"

"Alright y/n-San!" The suma says.the others just nod.

The girl with yellow tips spoke out
"Omg we forgot to introduce ourselves, well hello my name is makio and the one that's hugging you is Suma and the one standing next to me is Hinatsuru! Nice to meet you!We hope you like your stay at the sound hashira estate!" She says, she walks up to you and pats your head and walk alway

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