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My thoughts got interrupted by my boyfriend.

"Hey V, you good babe?"Tom said."um yeah I'm fine. I'm just going outside to get some fresh air."I said.

I pushed through my twin brother, cousin, ran outside to the crub, and started crying."Why do they come it's so annoying that my mom thinks they're gonna be a better influence to me."I said in my head.i turned around to see Tom condfused but also worried.

"Hey babe, are you okay."Tom said."Yeah, I'm fine it's just that my parents think bring my twin brother and my cousin that they're gonna make me a better person."I said."I think your parents just want to take care of you, you know."he said."Tom, it's not like that there to in control of me ever since I was 5."I said

"There just protecting you.babe. they'll probably grow out of it."he said.i just let him finish what he said.

I pulled my lighter and my cigarettes. And light my cigarette and then ask Tom if he wanted a puff, but he said no.

We just talked about funny things that happened at school cause I thought he just wanted to bring my mood up. We both got cold, so we decided to go in the car.

"You know you look so beautiful."Tom said."Oh really, I do."I said."Yeah, you do
But V I have to tell you something."Tom said."Yeah, what's up."I said."You know that you're an amazing and wonderful girl. You make me so happy, and I just wanted to tell you that I love you."Tom said.i just started at him. I didn't even know what to say. I paused, but I looked into his eyes to see that his eyes were watering,"Tom, I love you too."I said.

"You really do v."he said."yes Tom I love you with all my heart." I said."Well, I love you with all my heart too."He said."So what now i thi-."I said before he cut me off before pulling me into a kiss.

I jumped on his lap while he was kissing my neck."You know Tom, what happens if-."I said."v just relax will talk after."he said while kissing my neck.

I kept moaning while he kept moving down on my neck before Bill knocked on the car window.

"Look like we ruined the moment. Let's go."Bill said while fixing my hair. The car got very awkward quickly before Bill put on some Britney Spears cause Gustav was singing his heart out to toxic, we all started laughing because he was singing funny.

We first dropped off George and Gustav at their house before we mayed our way to the twins' house."Is it okay if I can sleep over?"I said."Yeah, it's cool. My mom really likes having you around, you know."Bill said."Really, she does."I said, surprised."Yeah, she always asks us when you're coming back."Tom said.

We got to the boys' house, we heard yelling from the kitchen until I heard my mom's voice."Hey, me and Tom are gonna go upstairs if you need us."Bill said and left.

I entered the kitchen to see my mom yelling at Simone(Tom and bills mom)

"Honey, get in the car!!"my mom said."NO IM NOT YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO YOU PSYCHO BITCH."I said.Then my mom slapped me."WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM CALLING YOUR OWN MOTHER A BITCH."My mom said."I TOLD YOU THE TRUTH BUT NOW YOUR STILL GONNA BE SAYING I'M A LYING BTICH."I said."NO YOUR NOT, please just get in the car."my mom said.

"Mom, can you please hear that I'm staying here."I said."No, you are not because you're gonna have sex with that Tom guy."my mom said. I looked at her in shock while Simone had her jaw to the floor."Whatever, okay? I was having sex with him, so what it's not like you did it."I said."Fine, stay here as long as you want."My mom said."Okay then, bye."I said, flipping her off.then the door closed

"Vanessa, you and Tom had sex."Simone said."Um yeah, I'm sorry I should have told you."I said."No, it's okay, honey, but did you guys us protection."Simone said.
"Yeah, of course we did."I said."Good, well I'm going to sleep now. Make yourself at home hun, good night."Simone said."oh okay thanks and good night."I said she waved and went upstairs to say goodnight to the twins.

I made my way upstairs to get ready for bed."Hey guys."I said."Hey, you good. I heard that your mom slapped you across the face."Bill said."Yeah, I'm fine it's kinda like normal for me now since I moved here."I said."Oh, I'm glad that you're okay, tho."Tom said."Yeah, me too. anyways I'm going to get ready for bed."I said and went to go to the twins' bathroom

I took off my makeup, washed my face, and got my brush that I keep under the sink whenever I come over. After I just went to the boys' room and saw that Tom was lying on his bed, I was layed on his chest while he kissed me."Ew, you guys make me sick."Bill said fake gagging."Oh shut up, one day, your goona find someone."Tom said."Yeah, that's never gonna happen."Bill said.

"Yes, it will don't get your hopes us."I said." We just about Germany cause we were bored, then all of the sudden I got a message on my phone.

Unknown number
Hey, I'm Kasey from science class. I'm hosting a party tomorrow after school. You're down to bring anyone you want it starts at 7pm here's my address ******.

"Guys, look."I said as I showed them the message."Oh Kasey, yeah, I know her she's like one of the evies , friends."Bill said."You think I should go, but like, what if evie gets mad."I said."No, she won't she will just go to the party too to sneak in, you know."Tom said."Ohyeah, okay, so do you guys wanna go."I said."Yeah, I'm down."they both said."Okay, then it's settled.

We talked for hours until it was 3am so we went to sleep and so did the boys."im turn off the ligths."Bill said, turning off the lights."Okay, now goodnight, love birds."Bill said."Okay, goodnight, dork."Tom said."Hey, Tom, be nice anyway. Goodnight, Billy."I said laughing.
After that, we just knocked out



Authors Note:Finally, after 2 times, it didn't delete kinda proud of this chapter anyways Thank you all for the support. Love you all.♡

𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 • 𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐊𝐀𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐙Where stories live. Discover now