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Once I arrived at my house, I immediately got ready for the party

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Once I arrived at my house, I immediately got ready for the party. I was excited but nervous because I was gonna be with Tom and not with some dude that I didn't feel comfortable with.

I put on some simple makeup that would match my outfit. Once I was finished, I called Tom to pick me up to go to the party.

I waited for about 10 minutes when Tom told me that he was outside waiting for me. I said bye to my parents and left.

"Hey, Tom."I said while entering the car."Hey v, how are you."Tom said while pulling me into a hug."Good and you."I sold with a smile on my face."Good, now that you're here."he said.

I started blushing, which he noticed. "I can see your blushing, v."he said with a smirk."im totally no blushing."I said.

He started driving while we were just talking about random stuff.
"I have never really asked you about your life over there in Germany. How was it."he said."it was okay. I guess just people didn't like me because of how smart I was."I said."im sorry, v that must have hurt, but like, do you feel more comfortable here."he said."No, it's fine. I mean, it's not your fault, but yeah, it's better here than over there."I said

We kept talking about music & and their band, but we arrived at the party, but when Tom stopped the car, he told to stay inside he went around to the other side and opened the door for me(gentleman 😍)

"Thanks, Tom, I really appreciate it."I said while giving him a kiss kn the check."Your welcome v anytime.he said while blushing.

We went inside, and it smelled like alcohol and weed, which didn't bother.me Tom went to go find Bill & evie. Until we found them dancing on the dance floor. Tom invited me to go dance

We danced until evie noticed that we were there, so she dragged Bill to go say hi.

"Omg v you look so good, doesn't she look good, Tom?"evie said."Yeah, she really does."Tom said with a smile on his face."Come on, Bill, let's leave these kids here."evie said while dragging him away from us

"Do you wanna go get a drink."Tom said."Um, yeah, sure."I said.We went to go find us so drinks, and then we just started talking about random stuff.

"So v did you ever have a boyfriend over at Germany."Tom said."I did have one, but we were only together for 5 months, and you."I said."I had two, but they were just not for me."he said."Hey, I'm going to the restroom."I said."DO YOU WANT ME TO GO WITH OR NO."Tom said over the loud music."IF YOU WANT."I said over the loud music

We both went to go find the restroom, but we opened a door to see evie and Bill making out. Tom and I closed the door fast, and we both started laughing, which evie heard, so we ran.

"Omg, we would have gotten caught."I said, still laughing."I know, right? we would have died."Tom said laughing.
Tom and I went to go find the restroom, when we finally found the restroom but there was a big line, so we just talked about music. The line kept getting short, and then It was my turn."You mind if you wait for me outside."I said."um yeah sure."Tom said

Once I got out of the restroom, I saw that Tom was talking to Bill."Well, hello there, boys."i said."Well, hello there, Ms. Zamorano."Bill said with a weird voice."Never say that again."I said in a joking way."Evie wants me to drop her off at her house. Are you guts gonna stay."Bill said."I think we're gonna stay here for a bit, then go home."I said,"Okay guys, take care. Don't get into too much trouble and have, of course, but not too much fun."Bill winking at Tom, which I obviously started laughing while Tom was turning red.

~Slight smut~

"Hey, you wanna go dance."I said."Yeah, sure."Tom said while holding my waist.We started dancing. I noticed he kept starting at my lips, which I started at his, then the next thing I knew he was on lips, which I started kissing him, but then we started making out."Tom."I said while lightly moaning."Yeah,"he said."Can you take me home."I said while rubbing my lipstick stain on his cheek."Yeah, sure, let's go."Tom said

We practically ran to the car.then we started driving while listening to Britney Spears.i started screaming to her lyrics while Tom was just laughing at me while I was singing.

When we got to my house, I asked him if he wanted to stay for a bit."Do you wanna chill for a bit?"i said."Um sure, why not."he saidWe went inside, and he said hi to my parents he hasn't officially met my dad, and he was like kinda strict with Tom ". " "So Tom, what do you do a live."my dad said."I uh play the guitar in my brothers band."he said."Well, that's nice we'll you kids have fun."my dad said

We ran upstairs to my room."I thought your room was gonna be more girly."he said while entering it."Really well, you should have judged a book by its cover."I said, winking . He started laughing, so I joined."Hey, I'm going to change really quick."I said."Okay, take your time."he said, wondering my room

After I got back from changing out of my clothes and into my pj's."im finished."I said while plopping into my bed."Well, hello there, lady."he said while starting at my lips."Why do you keep starting at my lips, little boy."I said."i don't know. I find them attractive."he said while pulling me into a kiss."You know my parents are awake, we can't."I said


"It's just one time V. It's not like we're gonna do anything else."he said while kissing me.He kept on kissing and started to moan, and then I felt him get hard. He moved to my pj pants and then started bugging them down. I took them off while he still kept on kissing me

I took off his shirt and touched his abs. He moaned, so I kept touching them."Tom, you know my parents can hear us."I said while kissing him."I know, but they will never know. He removed my shirt and bra while I kept making out with "Tom, babe."I said moaning."OMG TOM I'M GONNA CUM."I said yelling."good baby you make me feel so good."he said moaning. He started rubbing circles around my boobs while making out with him.

"Tom, I love you."I said while moaning.he kept making with me."i love you too, v."he said while moaning. He took off his pants and his boxers while I was giving him a hickey. He told me to jump on top of him, so I did, and I started ridding him while making out with him."V, you're beautiful."he said."well you your handsome."I said

Once we were finished, we just kept talking about the party."Tom, why don't you sleep over for me."I said while giving him a baby face."Yeah, of course I would."I think we should go to sleep."I said."Yeah, let's go to sleep."he said."Okay, well, goodnight,"i said while kissing him."Okay, goodnight, princess."he said, kissing me back.i turned off my light, and we just went to sleep.


btw this is my first time writing smut, so please don't judge 😔🙏🏼
*Thank you all for the support* Love you all<33

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