Chapter XI A dance of Shadows and Deceit

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In the flickering torchlight, the dancers' shadows played upon the walls, elongating and intertwining with the dark. Galaeth's shadow joined the macabre dance, a specter among specters, her presence a ghostly echo against the stone. In this world of shadows and whispers, pain and memory intertwined, binding her to a past that gnawed at the edges of her resolve.

She would not falter. For the sake of those hidden within the wooden belly of the cart, for the sister whose fate hung in delicate balance, Galaeth would bear the weight of every stare, every doubt, and every fear. She would become the enigma they expected her to be, her eyes the only telltale sign of the storm that raged within.

As Galaeth emerged from the tunnel and stepped into the courtyard, she was momentarily blinded by the bright sunlight. As her eyes adjusted, she noticed a figure standing at the edge of her peripheral vision, someone that stood out from the others. The man moved through the courtyard with a predatory grace, his shadow carving through the daylight like an omen. A sentry, scurried to his side, a conspiratorial whisper passing between them.

The faintest point of a finger, a glance shot towards the cart – it was enough. Galaeth's insides twisted, coiling into tight knots that echoed the unease clawing at the edges of her consciousness. Her eyes, those treacherous windows, flitted down to the dirt-trodden floor, seeking refuge in the mundane.

"Easy," she coached herself, her mantra a silent chorus amidst the cacophony of suspicion. "Breathe calmly. Be steady."

But her breath betrayed her, catching in her throat when the man's verdant gaze ensnared hers, seizing an unguarded moment. The sentry, dismissed with a flick of the wrist, retreated into the background, his importance dwindled to nothingness before this new figure.

"Hello" Anwir's voice sliced through the tense air, rich with the timbre of command yet wrapped in the silk of feigned benevolence. Galaeth mustered a response, a smile that trembled upon her lips as if painted by a quivering hand.

""U-um, h-hello" she stammered, cursing the weakness that seeped into her words.

Despite his reassurance that they were welcome visitors, she couldn't bring herself to trust the man and with his next words her apprehension proved true.

"My name," he introduced himself, drawing out the syllables like a musician savoring the notes of a favorite tune "is Anwir". He watched her intently, perhaps savoring the discordance of fear and formality that played across her features, a macabre symphony conducted under his watchful eye.

Anwir rose, his stature eclipsing Galaeth's petite form. The crimson coat draped over his broad shoulders was a flag of warning, open to reveal the sinewy evidence of laborious days beneath the unforgiving sun. His eyes, green like new leaves in spring, pierced her with an intensity that belied his casual demeanor. She recoiled inwardly, thoughts racing – one swift motion, her hand at his throat, the whisper of steel – and his gloating would drown in a gurgling silence.

But she stilled the primal urge, her warrior's hands quivering imperceptibly at her sides. The troupe depended on a façade of peace. They were artisans of illusion, not combat; their expertise lay in the flash and dazzle of performance, not the grim dance of death. And somewhere, hidden within the stone embrace of those walls, her sister Sera awaited rescue.

"Quite the castle you have," Galaeth managed, the words splinters in her mouth.

"Built to impress," Anwir replied with a nonchalant shrug, his gaze never leaving her face.

She nodded, the gesture empty as she contemplated the stakes. Her fingers twitched, aching for the hilt of a sword they could not grasp, a battle they could not wage. Not here. Not now. With every fiber of her being screaming defiance, she swallowed the bile of her hatred and forced a smile upon her lips.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 29 ⏰

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