Go your own way

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Pandora walked into a cell with no restrains on but then her clothes were stripped off. So her freedom came with a very strange cost. Just then she was sprayed harshly with something orange. Almost pushing her over put she stayed put. She hoped star boy was on the floor being drowned. Although, she definitely didn't wish the same upon the others. She knew Groot would be trying to drink it.

She was shoved in to a room to put the most ugly uniform she has seen. She has seen a lot of uniforms. She also saw the most ugly human she has ever seen. She hasn't seen many of those. Quill looked over at her watching her reach for the uniform and like rocket looked at her back. Hers didn't have any metal pellets in instead deep scars all ranging in sizes. Then bots circled her with tiny guns ready to shoot her. The guards came in and locked her hands in the metal clasps again. She believed they underestimated her powers and to break out of this prison she just might need to use them. Gamora and Quill seemed to be confused as to why she needed them still. Rocket simply ignored it more focused on figuring out how to escape. Groot looked almost pitiful for her knowing the reason behind her being locked up. "I am groot?"

"No i'm not using them" referring to her powers. She just needed to say that for the guards to piss off but she held a certain look in her eye which often reminded Groot of Rocket.

They had all started to walk into the prison Groot grabbed a bag for him and Pandora. Well, she couldn't really grab anything at the moment.

Pandora thought the prisoners were alright as she watched one cry to her family. That was ruined when a bunch of male prisoners threw something towards them yelling all sorts, most likely towards the one with Thanos as a dad and Ronan as a boss. But that was just Pandoras assumption. It could've of been Quill they were hollering as he was pretty annoying.

"Like I said she's got a rep. A lot of prisoners here have lost there families to Ronan and his goons" Rocket said. Pandora started to feel bad for the girl. Especially when rocket wanted to bet how long she would last. However, she couldn't pass up on a bet, for a girl she just met, so she said "she's a fighter give her at least the night as well"

"The guards will protect us right" Quill asked.

"They're here to stop us from getting out. I mean look at Nova over here still chained up and everything" rocket said. Pandora thought it looked stupid, perhaps a look of danger to the other prisoners. With those stupid blockages she was weak against all in there.

Another big blue bastard stopped star boy in his path this caused Dora to smack into Gamora who sent her a glare. Pandora hated to admit it but even without Thanos and Ronan she was still scary. Even scarier then Pandoras glare was Gamora's.

"Check out the new meat" he reached over to stroke Quills face. "I'm gonna slather you up in Gunavian jelly and go to town" as he started touching Quill. Me and Groot slowly started to walk towards him and he didn't even get to finish his sentence before Groot pushed his branches in the blue bastard part 2s nose and picked him up reaching further into his nose.

"Let's make something clear" rocket started yelling out gaining the attention of the prisoners to him. "These two here is our booty! That girl can blow your minds up with just a simple thought!" Dora felt rather proud he used her as a shield. She definitely couldn't do anything with a thought. She never tried. But whatever threat works to keep them away. "You wanna get to them, you go through us! Or, more accurately, we go through you" Pandoras thoughts were interrupted by bones cracking next to her. The guy was sure to be dead soon. But he was dropped instantly when she nudged Groot. She stepped over his body with a smirk laying on her face. This prison thing would be over quite soon.

She heard a faint "I'm with them" from Quill. But nothing from Gamora.

I making the love interest an OC
Should it be male or female?
Some strange alien or human?
Evil or good?

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