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Star-boy had continued to talk after that questioning gamora about the orb and being rude to Groot. This human boy was really testing Pandoras patience. It must have been testing crazy knife lady's as well as she replied "I have no words for an honorless thief" Dora would've agreed except she was also and honorless thief and Gamora was working for, as rocket put it 'a genocidal maniac'

Gamora slowed her pace seemingly confused as to how rocket knew she worked for Ronan. So Dora replied " we do know who you are"

Rocket added "anyone who's anyone know who you are"

Quickly star-boy added on "yeah, we know who you are." He definitely didn't but Dora ignored him and continued to kick Groots feet. "Who is she?" Dora was right.

"I am Groot" Groot replied.

"Yeah, you said that" Dora rolled her eyes some people are so stupid ,of course, sometimes Dora despises humans for their incompetence.

Gamora was explained her actual plans to them. Dora didn't believe it, however it was possible that the third party was probably Gamoras father Thanos. She also despised that man. Him and his army was the reason for her mother planet colliding with the wrong planet which created her. There was nothing wrong with that, except now she wasn't perfectly good she was half. Which was why people wanted her to fully switch. She has kept it even for many years. Never leaning towards her darkness only her pure heart.

They were finally let in "I am Groot" she was just about to reply when star-boy replied "well, that's just as fascinating as the first 89 times you told me that. What is wrong with giving tree over here "

"There is nothing wrong with him! You are aware he isn't saying his name?... he is speaking to you" Dora told him getting annoyed with his stupidity. Still confused rocket answered him.

" well he don't know talking good like me and you" Dora rolled her eyes because yes rocket that was great 'talking'. Dora decided to cut him off before he could say anything else weirdly.

"Groots vocabulary is limited only to 'I', 'am' and 'Groot'. In that specific order. For some reason." Dora explained

"I tell you what, that's gonna wear real thin, real fast" Peter exclaimed.

"Well I'll you what you're gonna wear real thing real fast" Dora replied enough of his words to Groot. However before she could actually finish her threat Peter yelled out.

"Hey! Put that away!" He even ran into the room playing strange sounds just before the door shut. As previously said stupid. "Listen to me, you big blue bastard. Take those headphones off. That's mine. Those belong to impound" we had all turned to watch him to see how this would go down.

"Bet you that he get wiped on the floor in a minute." I whispered over to rocket.

"Your on Nova, 10 units." He answered. Just as he finished his sentence the bastard attacked Peter with a laser rod causing him to fall on the floor.

"Hooked on a feeling, Blue swede, 1973. That song belongs to me!" Star boy quickly yelled out. Dora had to admire his resilience. Although her dislike overpowered her respect. Like highly. 50:1 outnumbered it. But it was still there. Though she did start laughing, when again, he was tasered and fell on the floor.

"10 units rocket" she said between giggles.

"Yeah yeah whatever" he replied.Acting like he would simply forget to give the money over. She knew he would, he always does.

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