8. Alice

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"Words are too harsh to feel them in love."

"Ple-ase... lea-ve me..." I am scared to get hurt again. "Shush... little slut." I close my eyes more tightly, shutting them to endure my pain but what about my heart which is bleeding so badly, that no one or nothing can stop from bleeding. "You scared?" a shiver runs down to my Spain, I gulp just in to get the sense I open my eyes and my chest rises taking a long deep breath. "Little slut is scared. hmm?" his deep humm made me scared, fear of his surround around over my skin, my brain, my breath. "Ple-ease..." I barely could whisper, my throat is hurting, tears are just never stopping, and my brain it's going too numb to feel anything. "Please... what Princess?" my breath stopped when I heard that, Princess? On which basis?

I am just shocked, surprised and so not more. He just changed his of way talking to me, I am more than something feeling beyond surprise. His whisper was all it took me to calm again, my mind going numb again, to make me stop thinking about all the things around me again. This is just killing me inside, why he is making me think so much about you? This isn't right, I don't know but he feels a lot different than I do to others. I hate when he touches me but it calms me as well, I hate when he speaks to me but his voice soothes me as well. I don't like him, but somewhere in my head I am screaming I don't hate him also. It's something I don't know something I just never felt before. I am hating it yet like it at the same time.

I closed my eyes tightly, I moved a little but a scream left out as my leg moved, my broken ankle. I cried as my chest, throat, and leg hurt at the same time. "Shush... No noise." I shut me as soon as his words cross my ears. I don't like the way he feard me to calm down, I want to scream until I don't feel a little calmer and console myself. I open my eyes and saw everything blur as my tears filled up more and more, soon they build up too much to stay in, and they started to fall from my cheek. The hot liquid, my tear just streams down from my side, going behind my ear giving me chills of coldness as soon as the warmth of the tear rushes away. Just when I felt a hand wrap around my neck, but instead of choking me he just brushes my tears away. My eyes traveled to him, who is lifting himself with one hand and grabbing the bed headboard.

He is caring about me, is he feeling guilty for what he did? He should, he did worse than anyone could think of. He had killed me, just I am still breathing. "This is nothing which you should cry on, babygirl... I'll haunt you very badly... until you lost your path to think of running away again." my breath just froze, I am not breathing anymore, I am just staring at him senseless. His words just had given me the best trauma that anyone could give me. I believed I will one day escape, but it all crashed down just like a leaf falling down from a tree, the only last hope.

He leans closer to my ear, just staying a few centimeters away cause his hot breath is just touching my cold skin. "I will shatter all of your thoughts, I will shatter your every small thing. I will shatter you," he whispered, his deep whisper and the words he just said it's a lot to shatter me and tear me in pieces just as he said. I gulp down the lump in my throat as my dry throat burns a little. "You are just prey, and I am the haunter." My breath just lost contact with the air. I stayed silent, quiet and that's all I lost it. My body is shaking in fear, the terrible thing my body ever doing. Betraying me. "Shush... dare to move again and ready to lose another leg." I bite my lip and tried to fist my hand but the plaster made it hard for me to fist my hand. "Just rest till you heal again so I can break you again," he whispered before pulling back, my eyes fell on his half-naked body.

"Sleep!" he commanded and stands up straight, I look more down at his abdomen and my eyes were going on but I stopped, I closed my eyes as soon I felt him catch me staring at his body. I soon heard the thud of footsteps on the floor, I opened my eyes as soon as the door closed. I travel to the door and look at the way to find no one in the room anymore. I sigh a little and look down at my leg which is lifting in the air, by a white cloth which is attached to the bed wooden stick which is for the curtains but certainly, they are helping my broken leg to heal. Something in here I could be grateful of. Something here which is healing me, not at least breaking me anymore. I sigh out loud.

Closing my eyes I just remind his naked body, just like a flash I opened my eyes and looks up at the ceiling, why? I am even thinking about him! I breathe out, again closed my eyes feeling my headache a little making me feel dizzy and just dragging me into a sleep, the only escape I can have, the only escape from the more sinister truth of life. Just then everything went blank, my mind goes to peace and I felt good, I feel good after letting my body relax on the bed and just then everything stopped. I fell asleep.

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