Chapter 13

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 "Jo. I apologize, but the protests around town have caused Seattle Pres to close to all incoming cases too. All deliveries have been rerouted to us. I need you to be a doctor now and come into work!" These last two days have been excruciating. Not only has my fellow refused to get off Amelia's couch, but the other OB on call decided to go sledding with his kids and broke his knee. He won't be of any help for the next six to eight weeks.

Between the increased number of accidents happening during the winter storms and the casualties being rushed into the hole since the protest got violent yesterday, I have been struggling to keep my head above water. I only managed to run home yesterday for a few minutes and had to rush back when I got paged mid shower for a mama who was hemorrhaging.

The only thing good about this week so far was that I was too busy to spend much time thinking about Maya. Since my subconscious decided that my wife was the woman I needed to fantasize about to reach orgasm, the few happy memories we made has set up camp in my thoughts every time I closed my eyes. Luckily that has been happening few and far between.

I lean against the wall adjoining the OR I'm about to scrub into. "Per favore, Dr. Wilson. You can't ignore the men in your life forever." I want to close my eyes for only a few seconds, just long enough to get me through this C-section before I can find myself the strongest coffee in Seattle. "Really, Carina. I should just suck it up and face Alex and Link. Great advice coming from the woman who refuse to talk to her wife. What has it been, a month now?"

I should've known that would be the response I receive. I can't blame her, she has a point, and I would've gladly allowed her to take all the time she needed to avoid her problems, but me ignoring Maya, didn't put lives at risk. "Mi dispiace, ma non appoggio nessuno di questi argomenti. Dr. Wilson. As your attending, I am ordering you to get to the hospital right now and be scrubbed and ready within the hour! I will revoke your fellowship quicker than you can say please."

My scrub nurse taps me on the shoulder, indicating that they were ready for me to perform the surgery. "I will try and keep Alex and Link as far away from you as possible, but I cannot run my service without you anymore. You are more important than the drama those men cause you." The emergency waiting for me in the OR forces me to hang up before she can reply.

After the successful surgery I did purely on muscle memory, I drag my feet up to my office and fall face first into my couch, snoring before I even close my eyes properly. A very angry OB-GYN fellow barging through the door an hour later, startles me from my dream about Maya in a swimsuit during our first vacation together. "Unbelievable. I'm not even here for five seconds and I already bumped into both of them!" The brunette is shooting daggers at me while tapping her foot, and I scoot over so she can take the seat next to me.

"You look like crap. Here, although I'm furious at you, it seems that you need this more than me." She hands me a piping hot coffee which I down without even tasting it. "Grazie mille." Jo rewards me with a hint of a smile before she resumes her rant. "Alex at least had the decency to walk away after greeting me, but Link. Oh no, he couldn't shut up about how I had two days to think about everything and should have an understanding about what I want by now. How the hell am I supposed to do that!? I only stopped crying after you threatened me."

I shrug my shoulders. "You're asking the wrong person." I remind her that I've been avoiding my wife, so I didn't have to make any decisions. I know I'm going to have to at some point, just not today. "Carina. You're not being very helpful. You're my mentor, so advise me, damnit!" I get up from my couch and stretch my aching body. My intercom on my desk cracks to life. "Dr. Deluca. There is a delivery for you. Again. Can I please send the young man up?"

Jo and I give each other huge grins, imagining the meal Maya might've brought over. I was about to tell reception to show Maya away but bring us the package when she mentioned the young man. I tell them to send him up and move to open the door. When the elevators ding on the opposite side of the OB wing, a man dressed in some kind of uniform comes walking towards me with a large box on his trolley.

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