Chapter 8

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"All clear, Cap." Beckett and I are changing into our turnouts after we arrived on scene. Beckett was getting restless waiting for a meeting so the two of us took the aid car out when the call came in. Beckett is finished getting dressed first and he takes the radio from Ruiz, who has been standing in as captain until Beckett arrived.

"Alright. Let's get ladder 19 ready for the mop up. Montgomery, Hughes, get the truck into position." He stands in front of Ruiz, not giving him the time of day. I shake my head at his ego and bump Ruiz with my shoulder to find out what happened.

"Grease fire on the second floor. Warren and Herrera were quick with venting the roof and we were able to contain the fire to their floor. I've only run a primary search before he charged in." He is pissed and walks over to Hughes and Montgomery to get the ladder in position.

"You might want to do a secondary search before you spill thousands of gallons of water into their homes Captain." I give him a look from under my helmet and say it soft enough so no one else hears it. He lifts his eyebrow at me, and I mimic his stance.

"19, can I get confirmation of the secondary search before we open the red line onto the second floor?" He growls it into the radio like he's trying to prove a point to me that he knows what he's doing. I cross my arms and wait for the response from my team.

"Copy Cap, we are doing a sweep of the last two apartments on the west wing, so far all clear." Gibson's voice cracks over the radio and I give Captain Beckett the sweetest smile I could muster. One that says I told you so. "I could use a hand getting two people out. The smoke is compromising our vision." I jump into action before Beckett can send me in and find my way up to the second story.

I radio for Sullivan and Jack to give me their position and find them within a few seconds. Sullivan wasn't lying about the smoke severely compromising our way out. I take the more conscious victim from Jack and lead the way to the exit for them.

As soon as Beckett sees us emerge from the building, he gives the green light and Hughes opens the floodgates on the line on the ladder to clear up the last of the flames. We make our way to the aid car for Warren to assess the patients.

After the scene is cleared, we all head back to the trucks and make our way to the station as our shift already ended while we were putting the fire out. We take turns in the shower before we start heading out one by one.

I sneak into Becketts office and take a seat on the chair opposite his desk. He walks out of the bunker in his office and startles when he sees me. "You know you're not helping your case when you take charge of the scene without getting a rundown of the situation." He tries to shush me, but I lay out the facts for him. He could've done serious damage if he didn't get the all-clear from the secondary search.

I give him some more unsolicited advice as we drive to the church where his meeting is being held. He looks irritated, but I'm glad to see him listening to me. "Can you please shut up about work now? I'm nervous enough." We walk into the room filled with folded chairs and has the scent of old burnt coffee and stale donuts.

"You're going to be fine. We'll have some bad coffee, you'll tell them it's day one of your sobriety and you'll probably get a chip or something." I pour us both a cup of coffee that doesn't taste half bad. We make our way over to two empty chairs and as soon as we sit down a few other people take their seats as well.

"Hi. First timers?" A good-looking guy in his mid-twenties comes to stand in front of us and hands Beckett his Day 1 chip. He tries to hand me one as well, but I put up my hand to stop him. "I'm just here for moral support." He apologizes and walks away to the other side of the room.

"Okay, everyone. Let's get started. I'm Helga and I'm an alcoholic." Everyone greets the older brunette as they sit down. Helga being the only one left standing. "I see we have a few new faces here today. Welcome. We promise, this is a safe place and our goal is to help." The older woman looks kind. She reminds me of the type of mom they would use in commercials to advertise the ideal American family.

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