"Soon-Bok! You're so late!" Hyun-ae exclaimed, hugging her back

"I'm sorry!" she laughed "I was practicing and i lost track of time"

"that's why you smell like sweat" Baek-Hyun commented with a smirk. Hae turned around and raised her hand, making him jump back

"You're lucky i'm filming right now" she said, turning around to hug Ha-Joon "And we all know i smell good"

"We do" Chin-Sun nodded "You smell like cherries"

"See, Pinky would never lie to me" Hae smiled, wrapping her arm around Chin-Sun "But you, you're a pathological liar" she said to Baek-Hyun

"A hot one though" He smirked, posing

"See you're lying again" Ha-Joon sighed, making the rest of them cackle

"Screw you" Baek-Hyun said over the laughing "I'm going home"

"No, Baek-Hyun!" Chin-sun laughed, grabbing his hand "We're sorry! Aren't we?"

"mhm" Hyun-ae nodded, trying to hide her laughter

"Yeah" Hae nodded "We ar-" she laughed, not being able to finish because she started cackling

"You guys are sorry but Soon-Bok isn't" Baek-Hyun sighed "I want to hear her apologise to me"

Hae continued laughing but kept trying to stop "Okay" she sighed "I'm sorry" she said without laughing

"Thank you, Soon-Bok" He smiled, wrapping one of his arms around her "Now i'm not being bullied can we go to get food"

"Yep" Chin-Sun smiled, linking her arm through Hae's and skipping. Hae held the camera out in front of them, showing them all smiling brightly. They get to the small shop they were eating at and all sit down "Okay, Stay we're going to eat and then we're going to do something else but i'm not sure" she said "Anyway bye" she turned the camera off and put it in her bag.


The camera turned back on to see Ha-Joon and Baek-Hyun's face. They was sprinting away from the others, having stole Hae's camera

"Stop running i'm gonna throw up!" Hyun-Ae yelled at the two boys

"Stay don't want to see her vomit!" Hae exclaimed

The two ran to a beach, with the girls following them. Hae caught up to Baek-Hyun and jumped on his back, making him drop to the sand. She picked up the camera and filmed herself "Finally i got you back" she smiled

"Soon-Bok, stop tackling him!" Chin-Sun laughed

"I can't!" She exclaimed "It's like a tradition!" she smiled, sitting on the floor beside Baek-Hyun who was still laying on the sand

"It kinda is" Baek-Hyun sighed, sitting up "She's been tackling me since grade 10. We wouldn't be us if she didn't assault me on a daily basis"

"I'm so glad you understand our friendship" she smiled, touching her heart

"What about our friendship?" Ha-Joon asked Baek-Hyun

"Well we're married of course" He joked, puling Ha-Joon onto his lap and hugging him

"Just like us" Hae chuckled, wrapping her arm around Hyun-ae

"I feel so alone" Chin-Sun sighed, jokingly "My dear husband is at home"

"Well then come here, sugar pie" Hyun-ae smirked, pulling Chin-Sun into their hug

"You better stop before i push you into the ocean" Chin-Sun laughed, trying to get out of the hug "Seriously"

"I wanna go in the ocean!" Hae exclaimed "Who wants to come with me?"

"Hell no" Baek-Hyun sighed

"Oh yeah" Hyun-ae sighed "How could i forget my dear brother is afraid of the ocean"

"How could you?" Baek-Hyun sighed, pretending her had been deeply hurt

"I'll stay with you" Chin-Sun said, sitting beside Baek-Hyun and taking the camera from Hae. Ha-Joon, Hae and Hyun-ae ran to the water, going knee deep into it since they were all wearing shorts

"I wanna go in now" Baek-Hyun chuckled from behind the camera

"Same" Chin-Sun said "Let's go then" she put the camera on the floor and ran to the water with Baek-Hyun. From a distance the group could be seen throwing water at each other and laughing very loudly. The camera cut off after a minute and turned back on to see Hae walking up the stairs to the dorm "So i just got back from the beach and i said good bye to my friends. I really enjoyed my day with them. I only get to see them like once a month and sometimes not even then so i'm always very excited when i get to see them. They've been my friends since i was like 16 so they were there when i was a trainee but then when i became an idol we kinda lost touch just because of how busy i was but we got in touch again and i'm just very happy to be back in touch with them" She smiled, opening the door to the dorm "But yeah i'm very tired so i need to sleep" she yawned, walking into Lee know's room "Hi, Minho" she smiled, laying on the floor

"Hey" he smiled, looking down at the from the bed "Did you have fun today?"

"Yep" she nodded "We went to the beach so my feet are all sandy" she chuckled, moving her feet in the air

"You're getting sand all over my floor" He exclaimed "You're cleaning that up"

"No i'm not" she smirked

"Your sand, your problem" he sighed, standing up and walking to the wardrobe

"Your floor, your problem"

"You spend most of your time on 'my' floor so technically it's your floor as well" He smiled, laying down beside her

"Lets both clean it up" she said "We gotta make sure KiKi's new house is nice for her" she smiled, picking up the cat and hugging her

"Yeah okay" He shrugged "But only for KiKi"

"Of course" She smiled, patting his cheek and smiling fondly at him "Anyway Stay bye~" she waved, kissing the camera

"Bye~" Lee know smiled, holding KiKi up and making her wave with her paw "KiKi says bye as well" Hae chuckled at him before turning the camera off.

Author Note

Honestly i'm very surprised i've updated this book this much. I keep starting to write chapters but then i can't be asked to finish them or i just don't like it but i have like 5 drafts and i'm determined to continue and publish so expect more chapters soon!!!

I hope you liked reading about Hae's friends outside of the group because i really like writing about them and their relationship but yeah expect more chapters soonnnnnnn. Byyeee!!!

Sunny |9th member of skzWhere stories live. Discover now