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**friday after when Aaliyah goes back to school** **she is still having trouble with Penny, in this chapter 51 will come talk to her class**

Brett's P.O.V:
I wake up to a shaking of my shoulder. I open my eyes and see Aaliyah there in her uniform.
"Hey Ali," I yawn
"Hey momma, um the twins are up and dressed, fed and ready for daycare." She replies, "it's 730"
"Shoot!" I jump up out of bed, "give me five minutes."
She nods and leaves. I get dressed and do my hair. I feel my phone buzz. I check it. Reminder. We are having the speak at Aaliyah's school. I go out and we put the kids in the back. Aaliyah runs out with her bag. I've never seen her run like that.
"Come on mama, we're gonna be late." She hops in the front.
I laugh and drive us to the school. I drop Aaliyah of in front of the senior high sector then drive down to the daycare. I take the kids in then head to 51. We soon drive to the school.

Aaliyah's P.O.V:
I am sitting in my emergency medicine course, the one with penny, when the teacher comes in.
"Class, stand up and line up, we have a talk with people in the hall along with paramedic courses and firefighting courses, lets' go!" The teacher calls out.
I stand up and line up. I stand at the back. We walk to the hall and our class is in the front. I see 51 there. I wave.
"Hey momma!" I smile as we sit down.
"Hey Aaliyah." She smiles back.
Everyone else sits down and grandpa boden comes forward.
"Hello, I'm battalion chief Wallace Boden from firehouse 51. Today, I am here with my house, consisting of ambulance 61," he smiles as mom and aunt Violet step forward,
"Hi," they both wave.
"Truck 81!" Aunt Stella, Uncle Mouch, Uncle Blake and Uncle Sam step forward.
"Hey," Stella waves
"Squad three!" Uncle Kelly, Uncle Capp, Uncle Toni and Uncle Joe come up
"Hey." Kelly smiles
"And engine 51!" Uncle Hermann, uncle Darren and the others on their truck come up.
"Hey!" Uncle Hermann nods.
"We'll start with Ambo." Boden steps back as well as the others.
Mom and Aunt Violet come up.
"Hi there, my name is sylvie Brett, this is Violet Mikami," mom introduces, "we work on ambulance 61, we help people from drown victims to people who fell down the stairs. And we have two people in this room I know of that have ridden on the ambulance and tagged along on calls, we do ride alongs." Mom points at me and Lillian, "girls, come up here."
We both stand up and go over. We stand beside them.
"This is my daughter Aaliyah, and her friend Lillian." Mom explains, "they will state some things they've witnessed."
"Hey, my name is Aaliyah Casey, I've ridden on ambo since I was maybe 11. I think, one of the worst things I've witnessed was, was umm," I stutter, tearing up, I turn to mom and she nods gently.
"You can talk about your daddy." She tells me.
I turn back around, "it would of been my year six graduation day. We had just finished when a bomb exploded in our cafeteria. My parents heard a whistling noise and went to investigate when it exploded and the shutter blew off. My dad covered my mom so she wouldn't get hurt. He was a firefighter in truck 81. He was the bravest man I've met. The shutter hit the back on my dads head, causing a massive subdural hepatoma. He died that day, and I almost lost my mama too. I always wonder. Why him. Why that day. The bombers were never caught." I feel tears drip down my cheeks.
Penelope calls out, "LIAR!"
Everyone turns around and faces her. She stands up.
"Your a liar, your father was a drug addict. These aren't your parents. Your mom ditched you on their doorstep. You have no relation to these people," Penelope exclaims, "you are a lonely bitch with no family."
I turn to mom, "is it true?"
She sighs and I run out in tears.
"Aaliyah!" She calls after me.
I don't listen and keep running. I get to the oval and sit against a tree. I cry heavily. I look up and see mom, or who I thought was my mom, coming over.
"Aaliyah," she sighs
"When were you going to tell me?" I ask her
"I didn't know how to tell you!" She sits beside me, "I'm sorry."
"Who am I?" I ask
"You are Aaliyah-Rose Jade Casey." She tells me, "no one can change that my sweet. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier."
"It's ok, no matter who my biologicals adults were, you and daddy are my parents." I sigh
Mom takes my in her arms and soothes me gently, "hush baby, hush baby, it's ok. Calm baby calm baby your ok. Breathe, breathe, your ok, it'll be fine, breathe just breathe."
I calm down and mom helps me up. We walk back to the hall and I dig my hands into my pockets. We get to the hall and go back up the front.
"Sorry." Mom smiles, "Lillian?"
"Yeah," Lillian comes over and hugs me softly, "you ok my love?" She whispers.
I nod and look up to see uncle Kelly talking, they finish and mama steps forward again. The speaker sounds.
"Attention all, Penelope Margarain, please attend to the office immediately. Penelope Margarain please attend to to the office immediately, thank you." The speaker ends
Penny gets up and leaves. Mama speaks up.
"Boys and girls, I'm sorry about the interruption, but thank you for patience," mama explains, "but Ms Margarain was right. Aaliyah is not my biological daughter, but that doesn't make her worth anything less to me. She is my daughter.and that won't change."
"That's right," grandpa steps up, "she has been part of our family since she arrived, and so are her siblings. But that is all we have time for, thank you all."
The bell rings and we stand up and head to next period. I am so thankful that Lillian is in my next class. It's our General English. We sit down and grab out our books. Soon it's lunch then the end of the day after our other classes.
"Lil, you gonna come to 51 with me and the twins?" I ask her
"Yeah." Lillian kisses the side of my head, "hey guess what?"
"What?" I reply
"Next week is the last week of the year! Which means we complete our courses then start our next courses. I've got my paramedicine science course." Lillian smiles
"And I start my doctorate!" I jump up slightly.
"Really?" Lillian asks
I nod, "I'm top of my class."
"Ahhh, I'm so proud of you. Have you told your mama?" She hugs me
I shake my head, "I'm going to surprise her tonight, the whole house too. I'm gonna act sad and then tell them that i got my results. Then I'm gonna say I'm onto my doctorate."
"Oh that's awesome." She laughs as we walk into the daycare.
I wave at the clerk, "hey Maria, I'm here to get Mayve and Matthew."
"Sure go through," Maria smiles.
I go through and Mayve comes running, "sissy!"
"May May!" I lift her up and through her into the air.
"Awia!" I hear a tiny voice speak.
I turn and see Matt walking over. I smile and give May to Lillian. I lift up Matt and bounce him slightly.
"Awia!" Matt giggles again and hugs me.
"Hi Matt!" I smiles
We leave and head to 51. We go in and mama sees us. We walk over.
"Hey Matt, who am I?" I ask the toddler on my hip.
"Awia!" He claps.
"Awww!" Mama smiles
I put Matt down and he runs over to mama, "mama!"
"Matt!" Mama lifts him up and hugs him!"
I turn into Lillian's ear, "I'm gonna do it now, everyone's here." I whisper
She nods and I grab out my phone. I pretend to check an email and I drop the smile into a frown.
"Ali, everything ok?" Uncle Kelly asks
"I just got the results of my course. If I got into the top 5 then I would of made it into my doctorate." I sigh softly.
"But you didn't make it?" Mama asks
I nod my head and squeal happily, "I DID it, I got into the doctorate classes!"
"Really?" Uncle Kelly asks
I nod, "top of my class!"
"Oh I'm so proud of you!" He runs over and scoops me up in a bear hug.
"Thanks." I hugs him back.
He puts me down as a man comes in. I don't recognise him. It's a police officer.
"Are you Aaliyah Casey?" The police man asks
I nod softly.
"Put your hands behind your back, your under arrest." He comes over.
"What?" I ask, "what for."
"Aaliyah Casey your under arrest," he cuffs me, "you have the right to remain silent, anything you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law, you have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you."
"What?" Mama asks, "Aaliyah don't say a word!"
I nod as I am dragged out roughly. I am shoved in the back of the car. I am driven away.

A new mom (completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz