Part 17- Physical Therapy

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*2 months later. Aaliyah is learning to walk again through physical therapy. The twins are now 2.*
Aaliyah's P.OV:
I wake up and hear cries. I get out of bed and sit in my wheelchair. I wheel out to hear the cries coming out Mayve and Matt's room. I open the door softly and see Mayve awake in her cot. I wheel over and gently lift her out, making sure I don't wake up Matt. I lay Mayve on my lap and quickly wheel out. I take her out to he kitchen and make a bottle. I go to the lounge room and feed her. She coos softly. She finishes her bottle and I put her in the baby swing. I softly swing in murmuring a lullaby.
"Hush little May May it's alright." I softly tell her, "I promise you it'll be ok."
I repeat it a couple times without noticing my mom leaning against the wall. Mayve falls asleep and I go to put the bottle in the sink and wash it when I notice mom.
"Morning momma!" I smile.
"Morning Ali," she kisses my head, "thanks for sorting out Mayve."
"No problem!" I make my way to the sink.
I wash the bottle and put it in the drying rack.
"Ali, remember we have PT today at 11. And you can ask Lillian to come as well." Mom tells me.
"Yeah, I'll go call her now and get ready." I smile and wheel to my room.
I grab my phone off the charge and video call Lillian. She answers.
"Hey babe!" Lillian smiles.
"Hey Hey Hey!" I respond, "Physical Therapy today, free to come?"
"Of course." She tells me.
"My mom can come pick you up or your mom can drop you off at mine. It's at 11." I tell her
"My mom will drop me off." Lillian tells me, "I'll see you in 10 minutes, my mom has work so she'll drop me off early."
"Ok see you in a minute!" I smile, "love you!"
"Love you too!" She ends the call.
I get into a cropped tee and black 3/4 length tights. I head back out but I hear cries from Matt. I go in and get him out of his cot. I go and make him a bottle as my mom was showering. I hold him gently and feed him. He falls asleep against me. I gently put him in the other swing. I scroll through TikTok till I hear the doorbell. I head to the door. I open it to see Lillian.
"Hey Lillian." I hug her.
"Hey!" She kisses my forehead.
We go in just as mom comes out.
"Oh hey Lillian!" Mom smiles.
"Hey sylvie." Lillian responds.
"Matt woke up so I gave him a bottle and he is currently asleep in his swing." I tell mom.
"Thanks Ali." She nods, "we leave in 20."
"Ok mom!" I smile.
20 minutes later and I am taking M&M out to the car. I buckle them up in thier seats than hop in. Lillian takes me wheelchair to the boot then hops in the front. Mom begins to drive us. We get out and mom holds Matt and Lillian holds Mayve. I wheel in front. Aunt Nat meets me out front.
"Hey aunt Nat!" I smile
"Hey Ali, Lillian,Sylvie!" Aunt Nat smiles before cooing at Matt and Mayve, "hi my sweet godbaby's."
"We going in?" I ask
"Yeah," aunt Nat nods, "come on!"
We go in and make our way to the physical therapy ward. I pull up beside the walking poles. I put my wheelchair in brake. I slowly get up and pull myself onto the bars. Aunt Nat, Mom and Lillian, as well as the twins, stand at the other end. So far I had only made it 3/4 of the way through the bars. I am going to try and make it the full way today. I begin to slowly move forward, moving my hands along the bar. I make steps and I finally reach the END!!! Lillian gives aunt Nat Mayve then hugs me. I hug her back.
"Ok Ali, that was so good sweet," aunt nat smiles, "do you think you can try to walk without the poles?"
I nod. Lillian let's me go and I manage to stand balanced. I slowly lift my left foot and place it down. I move slowly yet make it 15m. Lillian hugs me at the end.
"I did it. I walked on my own!" I am so happy.
"I am so proud of you babe!" Lillian smiled.
"Me too Ali," mom put her hand in my shoulder.
"Great job." Aunt nat smiles, "I think your ready for the cane!"
"Really?" I ask
She nods and grabs one from a wall. I adjust it in my hand and slowly hobble to mom.
"Look mom!" I smile
"I am so happy Aaliyah-Rose!" She tells me.
"You took shift off right mom?" I ask
"Yeah?" She responds.
"Can we go surprise them?" I ask excitedly
"Of course!" She tells me.
We say goodbye to aunt Nat and head out to the car. Lillian holds my hand for the first time in a while. We hop in and I keep my cane with me. We get to 51 and Lillian helps me out of the car. I support myself and then we go in. Lillian still holds my hand. We goin and uncle Kelly gets up and comes to run over than stops when he sees me with the cane.
"Ali, you can use the cane?" He asks
I nod. He comes over and scoops me up in a hug. He puts me down and we go inside. Everyone in the common room erupts into cheers.
"Ali!!!" They all cheer.
"Hi!" I wave.
We talk for a while then we head home and drop Lillian at hers. We get home and I go to my room to prepare for school tomorrow. Soon it is 6 so I head out for dinner. I go out and eat. I hobble back to my room and get ready for bed. I go out and say my good nights.
"Night momma!" I hug her properly for the first time in a while.
"Night baby," she kisses my forehead.
I head back to my room. I lie down in bed. I turn off my lamp and head off to sleep.

A/N: sorry that it's taken so long to post this next chapter. I have been busy with exams and also had massive writers block. Thanks for this suggestion for the chapter from my best friend

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