Part 6- year 6 graduation.

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Aaliyah's alarm clock went off. She got up out of bed and got into her school uniform. She made sure she put on her graduation shirt before putting on her shoes and brushing her hair into a high ponytail. She then went to her parents room and woke them up.
"Mom!" Aaliyah shook Brett's shoulder, "wake up!"
Brett opened her eyes and saw Aaliyah's shirt. She remembered that it was her graduation day. She turned over and woke up Casey. Casey sat up and stretched.
"Hey Ayla!" Casey smiled and rubbed his eyes, "you ready to graduate?"
Aaliyah nodded and left to make breakfast. Brett got dressed into a beautiful loose rose patterned dress and Casey got into a suit. They walked out and had breakfast, did their teeth and then left. They arrived at the school and Aaliyah went into her classroom whilst Brett and Casey went to the school hall. They walked inside, arm in arm, and took a seat. Soon all the year 6's, including Aaliyah, came in and sat down. Aaliyah's name was called out and she stood and made her way to the front. Every student was required to say a small speech. Aaliyah stood up by the microphone and began to speak.
"Ok, let me be honest, I am so ready to graduate primary school, but then I am anxious to start High School." Aaliyah began, "but I know I can do it because of two very special people. My mom and my dad! My parents helped me out a lot. But they don't just help me. They help all of the citizens of Chicago. They are first responders and they put their lives on the line to protect our city, our home. And they are truly, truly, amazing people. Thank you!"
Everyone clapped and Aaliyah sat down behind other students already finished. At the end, everyone on the aisle, including Casey stood up to make a roof and everyone ran underneath. As Aaliyah ran under, Casey removed one hand and they gave each other a high five. Suddenly a whistling noise began to sound from the cafeteria. Brett and Casey began to check it out cautiously. They got closer and closer.

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